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Jaemin wrapped his fingers around the coffee mug on the small circular table he had to himself near rear window of his local cafe. He brought the mug up to his lips and blew over the top of his americano, watching the small ripples across the black coffee. He sipped at it, closing his eyes with delight as he savored the bold flavor. Although it was already seven in the morning and he'd been awake for two hours already, the taste of his usual coffee order against his tongue what was really woke up Jaemin's soul every morning.

He brought the mug up to his mouth again, about to take another sip, when someone bumped into his elbow. The coffee that filled up most of the cup swirled around with no control, spilling over the side of the cup, unfortunately right onto Jaemin's white turtleneck sweater and grey pants. The pants didn't look drastically different, but the shirt was a totally different story.

"Oh no! Apologies, I didn't mean to bump into you," Jaemin looked up to find the person who had bumped into him, looking down at him with wide eyes and an apologetic face. However, Jaemin could barely focus on the burning coffee on his body because he was too mesmerized with the person in front of him. He was tall, with a structured face and beautiful short locks dyed platinum blonde. He looked amazing in the black long sleeve shirt he was wearing, beneath a dark green apron with a name tag, which had "Jeno" written on it with black permanent marker. Or maybe it wasn't permanent.

When Jaemin had looked back at him, Jeno noticed the big fresh coffee stain that seeped into the bright white woven fabric of his victim's shirt. His face lit up with panic, and he hid it in his hand and he cringed with embarrassment from ruining his poor customer's shirt. "Uh, sir, I think I spilled some on your shirt, I'm so sorry."

When Jeno spoke, his smooth voice interrupted Jaemin from his trance. Only then did he realize the slight burning sensation that stung his stomach and thighs. He quickly set down his mug on the table, standing up, "Do you have any paper towels I could use?" he asked.

Jeno nodded, "There's some in the bathroom. Come this way." He gestured for the customer to follow him, walking off to the bathroom. Jeno held the door open for the other as he rushed into the bathroom to find some towels to mop up the stain on his shirt. He followed, walking inside to make sure the stranger was okay. Jeno stood near the doorway and watched as the other man frantically grabbed a paper towel roll and tore off a couple pieces, dabbing at his shirt with the dry paper.

Shaking his head, Jeno walked over to him and tore a longer piece of towel, folding it and wetting it a little under the sink. He stepped closer to the man and took a bit of the fabric of the sweater gently into his hands to elevate it off of him, using his towel to dab at the stain.

On the other side, Jaemin was in shock. He'd just met the most handsome guy he had ever seen, and now he was alone with him. Not to mention that their closeness at the moment was heating up his cheeks like a chestnut over an open fire. Jeno had his head slightly tilted down, and because of their similar height Jaemin was able to smell a hint of coconut coming from the blonde hair on the other's head. It made him even more flustered, so much that he stepped back a bit and smiled awkwardly at Jeno when the man looked up at him with confusion.

Jaemin nervously outstretched his hand, "I-I can do it by myself, thanks."

Jeno internally cursed at himself for approaching someone he didn't know like that without thinking, especially when he went that close to the man. "Ah, yeah. Sorry, you must've felt uncomfortable." Jaemin nodded a little and took the wet towel from Jeno. They stood in silence for a minute, Jaemin desperately trying to dab and scrub the stain out of his sweater. He had just gotten this shirt last week, and he had to save up a bit from his paycheck for a whole four months before he was able to afford this piece of luxury design he'd been ogling at since last fall.

Suddenly Jeno broke the silence, speaking in a small voice, as if he was afraid to cause Jaemin any trouble, "I'm really sorry if that shirt cost a lot. I don't know if I can repay the money to you, but if you want I can compensate the cost in free coffee. I know you come in here often."

"That would be okay," Jaemin nodded. He raised his head to look up at Jeno again when he realized, "You remember me?"

Jeno smirked, "How could I not? Mr. Americano with extra espresso, always comes in fashionably early at the ripe time of seven in the morning with a new amazing outfit to show off. I'm not surprised if you don't know me, though. I'm usually not at the register and instead on cleaning duty because of my dad."

Jaemin bit his lip to prevent him from smiling from the thought that Jeno noticed him come in every morning for a coffee, "Your dad?"

"Yeah, he's the owner of this coffee shop. Lee is our family name, hence Coff-Lee," he chuckled at the stupid pun that was part of cafe's name. Jaemin felt like his heart would burst open from the sight of Jeno's smile. "Speaking of my dad," Jeno said, "The regular morning customer flow is about to get its move on, so he's going to get me in so much trouble if I don't start doing my job. It was nice finally getting to talk to you, sorry about the shirt, again."

Jaemin nodded, chuckling "I'm glad I got to meet you, too. You owe me a lot of coffee now." Jeno laughed in return and started to head out of the bathroom before stopping in his tracks and turning.

"One last thing," Jeno said, "What's your name?"

"Na Jaemin," Jaemin said with a smile.

"Lee Jeno," Jeno said back before disappearing from the room.

Jaemin turned to the mirror with a smile meant for himself, giggling a little at Jeno's adorable stupidity, "I already know that, silly."

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