"I should hope not," Jasper muses. "I am spoken for."

"I'm aware," Rayne claims as Alice comes skipping in. "Hi, Alice."

Alice skips over and she hugs Rayne. "I'm glad you came!"

"Emmett scent he a very direct text saying, and. I quote.... come over." Rayne smirks at Emmett, who's looking at his feet. "Very blunt and to the point, no explanation."

Rosalie sighs. "Of course not."

"I told my mom it was to see Alana and Emmett," Rayne claims. "But I wanted to see Rosalie..."

Rosalie grins and she nods. "Come on, we'll go to my room, then."

Emmett scoffs dramatically as they go upstairs. "She's stealing my friend."

"Rosalie needs more time with Rayne than we do," Jasper informs Emmett. "She has to get to know her... Hopefulyl get her used to us before she finds out."

Emmett sighs and he nods as Alana leans against his chest. "You're right... Rayne's just my first human friends since before I became this."

Jasper slaps his hand against Emmett's shoulder. "I know." And he leaves for a hunt with Alice and Edward.

Rosalie's room has a queen sized bed, that isn't used, made in red blankets and a black sheet. The pillows have both deep crimson and black pillow cases over them. There are black, set through, stain curtains over the windows and pictures of dark art on the walls.

On Rosalie's desk near the door, there are stacks of car magazines and Teen magazine alone with some notebooks, pens, and a small photo album. There is a white dresser against the watt near the vampire's closet that holds a jewelry box that holds all of Rosalie's necklaces, bracelets, and rings. She puts her Cullen crest necklace in their eyes she goes to hunt or when she's relaxing but she usually never takes the crest off.

"Your room's nice," Rayne replies with a smile.

Rosalie smiles and she nods. "Thank you... our mother, Esme, is an interior designer. She put the house together."

"When can I meet her?" Rayne asks and Rosalie grows nervous. "So that I can compliment the house."

"Can you stay the night?" Rosalie asks. "Esme should me home tonight or in the morning. She's got a job." In reality, Esme is hunting with Jasper and Edward.

Rayne grabs her phone and goes to the balcony off the kitchen. Alana and Emmett go to Rosalie's room to grant the human some privacy. Rayne dials her gone number.

"Hello?" Amelia's tired voice says through the phone, she took a cat nap before she cooks dinner for Quinton and her daughter.

"Mom," Rayne speaks, "Rosalie wants me to stay the night so that I can meet Mrs. Cullen tomorrow. I was wondering if it's okay."

"Rayne, darling," Amelia smiles warmly to herself, "You're eighteen, my love. You can do whatever you want. Just be careful."

"If I get hurt, their dad's Doctor Cullen," Rayne muses.

"Don't even joke like that, Rayne Lynn," Amelia scolds. "I'd die if anything were to happen to you."

"I know, mom, I'm sorry," Rayne muses as Jasper, he and the other two just got back, steps out. "Hello, Jasper."

"Rayne," Jasper greets.

"Mom, I have to go," Rayne says. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course, my love," Amelia replies. "I'll see you then."

The two say they love each other before hanging up.

"Come back in," Jasper states. "It seems to be sleeting again and Esme wants to meet you."

Rayne grins. "Esme's back?"

Jasper only nods and he opens up the glass doors. He leads Rayne to the first floor and into the den where Carlisle and Esme sit near the useless, lit fireplace.

"Rayne, this is carlisle and Esme, our parents," Jasper introduces. "Guys, this is Rayne Spears."

"Your mother is an amazing surgeon," Carlisle claims.

"She is," Rayne agreed. "Esme, you have a beautiful home."

Esme beams and she walks over, hugging the human. "Thanks, dear."

Rosalie comes downstairs and she smiles at Esme hugging Rayne. Carlisle smiles at Rosalie warmly and he sighs.

"I'm going to my study," Carlisle claims. "It was nice to finally meet Doctor Davis' daughter she speaks so highly about."

This makes Rayne blush and the rushing blood makes Jasper's eyes darken. He growls and frowns before he goes upstairs, so he doesn't slip. Rosalie grabs Rayne's hand and they go back up to her room, Esme sits with a smile once more.

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