Ch5 To Change Overnight (1)

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It would be meaningless to show his anger here. Frey was a student while he was a professor. If he stooped to his level, his authority would only plummet. Kevin smiled and clapped his hands.

"Good, good. All right. Some things are more important than class. I'm sure you wouldn't waste all that time. Certainly, you've got plenty to show for it."

"Thank you."

"In that case, let's stop with the idle chatter and begin."

Kevin opened and skimmed through the textbook. With a smile, he said.

"Frey, here's a question for you."

The students held their breath. Kevin's questions were notorious for being tricky. He never asked questions that could easily be guessed. Moreover, the punishment for not answering correctly was severe. In addition to docking grades, there were times when students had to stand until the end of class. To make matters worse, Kevin's target was Frey, who had never even attended his lessons before.

"What were the three artifacts used by the Magic Warrior King, Kassajin?"

Frey did not reply. The students thought the question was distasteful. The Magic Warrior King Kassajin was the greatest magic warrior in history, yet most of Westroad's magic-oriented students knew him only as one of the Great Mage Lucas' companions. Some even had no clue who Kassajin was. Of course, it was not that he was omitted entirely from "The History of Magecraft." Rather, his mention only encompassed a mere three lines, as he had walked the path of a warrior.

Of course, the information about which artifacts he used was left out altogether. Kevin leered.

"What's wrong, Frey? Didn't you spend all that time accumulating knowledge that you couldn't find in my class? Or is it that you thought the achievements of a magic warrior were not even worth your time?"

Frey remained silent. Just as he began to answer, a student seated in the back spoke for him.

"I object. As far as I know, the Magic Warrior King Kassajin has no place in the history of magecraft."

For a moment, Kevin was silent. If it weren't for her blood ties to the academy, Isabelle Triznine would have been chased out of the classroom in a more terrible way than Frey.

She had always interfered with his classes in every aspect.

Kevin replied smugly.

"Kassajin was the first person to develop a method that used mana to enhance physical abilities. Although his pursuit was different, no one can deny his advancement of magecraft."

"But Kassajin was a martial artist who used mana solely to train his body. Such a person cannot be considered a magician."

That was true. Isabelle's knowledge was far ahead of her peers and was no less than a professor's. But a sly smile still remained on Kevin's face.

"Then are you choosing to ignore everyone who walks the path of a magic warrior, Isabelle?"

"... That is an outlandish interpretation."

"Oh, that may be. However, whether or not magic warriors should be considered magicians is still a major debate in the academic community. It's a sensitive subject that can sometimes lead to a contest of pride between learned societies. While it's important to voice your opinion, do pay more attention to your remarks. If you want to succeed as a magician, that is."


"The one I asked was Frey, not you, Isabelle."

Isabelle bit her lower lip. She disliked Kevin to begin with and thought he was repulsive. He was the worst sort who enjoyed tormenting the weak for his own satisfaction. She was also well aware of his lecherous gaze that would often sweep her body.

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