a new ally? maybe?

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keith didn't know where to go in the giant galra ship.

he was looking for the red lion, so that he could get out of there and get back to the castle to form voltron, but he couldn't find the freaking lion. just as he was about to turn the corner into another hallway, he heard gruff voices and skidded to a halt.

"i'm sure lord zarkon will reward us greatly for having finally caught this trash," one of the voices said proudly, and keith furrowed his eyebrows. they had a prisoner?

"of course he will, he's been trying to get ahold of them for decaphoebs. we'll most definitely get promoted for capturing them," the other said.

just as keith was about to rush out and take those guards down, he heard a shout and a bunch of thumps, before everything went silent. he turned to look out into the hall, only to be met with a knife to his throat.

the feminine alien said something in a foreign language, and they must've noticed keith was confused, because they spoke in the universal tongue this time.

"who the hell are you, and what is your purpose for being on a galran ship? are you friend or foe of the galra?" they harshly ask, the blade being pressed slightly more towards his throat.

"i-i'm not with the galra. i'm here to retrieve something the galra have ahold of," he forced out, knowing he didn't have the upper hand in the situation. it took several moments before the alien hesitantly lowered the knife, but she was still prepared in case he tried to pull a fast one on her.

"who are you?" she asked, and keith gulped, not really knowing what to do.

"um, i'm keith. i'm a paladin of voltron."

the aliens' eyes widened at that, and she grabbed hold of his arm, surprising him.

"a paladin of voltron? does that mean that there are more, and you're going to re-form voltron?" she prodded, and keith was shocked to see the slight hope in her eyes.

"uh, yeah. are you a prisoner or something?"

she scowled, dropping his hand.

"yes, these bastards recently captured me while i was unawares. i was sold out by some merchants on a moon i'm sure is not that far from wherever we are. well, paladin, i will accompany you to seek what you're looking for," she states, and keith's eyes went wide before he shook his head.

"nuh-uh, no way. i can't trust you at all, especially after you took down those guards in literal seconds and held a knife to my throat. why should i trust you, anyways?" he accused, crossing his arms over his chest, and the alien sighs at his stubbornness.

"look, paladin keith. you are my only chance of getting back to my planet and my people. i do not know which system i am in, or how far i am from where i'm supposed to be, so i need assistance. also, it would be in your best interest to not let zarkon and his witch get ahold of me."

keith was stunned. he really didn't want to put his trust in an alien that he had only known for a few minutes, but he didn't really have a choice. he groaned.

"fine, you can come with me. but, before we do anything, can you at least tell me your name?"

the alien seemed hesitant, but nodded slowly.

"i am rhys. now, let us go, before anyone noticed these two haven't delivered me to my former destination."

keith nods, running down the hall, rhys on his heels, seeing as how he was the one with an actual plan on getting out of the galra cruiser.

he finally found the hangar of the red lion, entering, and he swore he heard a slight intake of breath from behind him, but he ran to the force field, and tries to get it to open.

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