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Later turned out to be a week later because both Weston and Judd got busy with work, Judd got hired at the new 126 again and Weston worked hard being an ER doctor but now Weston is off, it's Saturday so the kids don't have school either so Weston ...

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Later turned out to be a week later because both Weston and Judd got busy with work, Judd got hired at the new 126 again and Weston worked hard being an ER doctor but now Weston is off, it's Saturday so the kids don't have school either so Weston decided to drop by the station, now the kids wanted to surprise their uncle so Weston didn't exactly tell Judd they're coming but Weston hopes they aren't out on a call or it would be a very short visit because who knows how long those calls will last.

"Come on kids, lets see if we can find uncle Judd." Weston unlocks the doors so his kids can get out, like every teenager Trixie is hooked on her phone, but Weston knows she is responsible with it and isn't on her phone when someone is talking to her.

"Weston Ryder right?" Captain Strand came up to Weston and his kids as Weston slams the door closed bringing attention to them.

"Hi, these are my kids, Trixie and Lucas." Weston introduces his kids looking behind him for his brother.

"Judd is in the bathroom but you can come meet the rest of the 126." Captain Strand leads the family of three to a table that everyone is sitting at.

"That's Paul, Mateo, Marjan and I believe you met my son TK the other night." Captain Strand points to everyone and they wave at him.

"Thank you, Captain Strand, these are my kids." Weston takes a seat next to TK and his kids follow suit sitting beside Weston.

"You should call him Owen, he doesn't mind it." TK bumps Weston's shoulder a little laughing.

"I'm going to kill Judd, he didn't mention he had a cute niece and nephew." Marjan rolls her eyes but exchanges numbers with Trixie.

"So, did you come here to see Judd?" Paul asks taking a bite of his food.

"That and I wanted to see the new team, not only did the old team mean a lot to Judd, no offense, but they also meant a lot to me and the kids." Weston gives a sad smile looking over to Lucas who was playing on his switch.

"Whatcha playing kid?" Mateo asks Lucas who looked over to show him.

"Mario Kart! This is one of my favorite games, this and Minecraft." Lucas tells Mateo who lets him continue rambling about the games he has.

"West! When did you get here?" Weston hears Judd behind him walking up, Lucas squeals and runs over to Judd abandoning his switch to be picked up by his uncle.

"About 10 mins ago, wanted to officially meet the team and the kids of course wanted to see there favorite uncle." Weston stands up and helps lift Lucas so Judd can hold him.

"How are you kid?" Judd asks Lucas who was on his hip.

"I'm good, I missed you." Weston had a smile on his face watching Judd and Lucas interact.

"Hey, Missy." Judd lets Lucas down and leans down to kiss Trixie on her head who Weston can see she is trying but failing to not smile.

"Hi, Uncle Judd." Trixie pockets her phone and hugs him.

"When were you gonna tell me you had a cute niece and nephew?" Marjan looks at Judd sternly.

"I was trying to protect them from you crazy people." Judd jokes laughing.

"Judd, can you show me where to find the coffee maker?" Weston says smoothly, he came here to talk to his brother, and that's what he's going to do.

"Now I know damn well you know where the coffee maker is, so explain." Judd crosses his arms leaning against the counter.

"You promised we would talk, and we haven't." Weston glares at Judd crossing his arms mimicking Judd's body stance.

"What do we need to talk about? I got my job back, everything is fine." Judd makes himself a cup of coffee.

"Judson Ryder! I know damn well you aren't fine." Weston slams his hand on the counter making everyone from the 126 looks at the brothers worriedly.

"Come here." Judd drags Weston upstairs to an empty office so they get privacy.

"Please Judd, I know you think since you're the big brother you should be strong, but that's not true. What you went through was traumatic and you need to process it." Weston can see his brother's nostrils flare as he breathes deeply.

"Captain Strand said I can get my job back if I go to therapy, I'm gonna go see a shrink with Grace." Judd huffs and sits down on the couch that was in the office.

"Is it helping?" Weston asks.


"Are you actually listening and trying the things they tell you?" Weston gives Judd the look he often gives his kids when they're misbehaving.

"Sometimes, they want me to do focus exercising and I just don't know if I'm ready for that." Judd huffs laying back in the chair he's sitting on.

"You don't want to relieve it right?" Weston asks which Judd nods too.

"I want you to try Judd, not only would it help you to feel better but you would keep your job too." Weston stands up and motions for Judd to give him a hug, which Judd does.

"When did you get so smart?" Judd gives a tiny chuckle.

"I had to be to have you as a brother." Weston jokingly says knocking their shoulders together as they walk down the stairs.

"Kids, you ready to go?" Weston stuffs his hands and in pockets and watches, the two kids groan audibly.

"Why? Marjan and I are having fun." Trixie pouts.

"Yea! Me and TK are playing Minecraft." Lucas holds up his switch to show Weston.

"You two have to do homework kiddos." Weston gestures them to get up and say bye, they do but with protests.

"Bye guys!" Weston says to the crew as he opens the door to help his kids get in.


"Who knew you would have a cute brother Judd." Weston hears TK tell Judd.

"MY BROTHER IS OFF LIMITS!" Judd tells TK making Weston chuckle and shake his head as he gets in the car.

"What's wrong with Uncle Judd daddy?" Lucas asks from the back seat.

"Nothing kiddo," Weston tells Lucas shaking his head as he starts his truck pulling out.

He wasn't planning on dating anyone anytime soon so Judd didn't have to worry about that.

He wasn't planning on dating anyone anytime soon so Judd didn't have to worry about that

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