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Weston rolls his eyes, his co-workers have been huddled over a phone watching a video, Weston doesn't want to know and he has no care to find out

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Weston rolls his eyes, his co-workers have been huddled over a phone watching a video, Weston doesn't want to know and he has no care to find out.

"Dr. Ryder, isn't this your brother?" Weston turns around and his brow furrows, he makes a motion and his co-workers hand over the phone.

He hits play, his heart sinks when he saw the Marjan lost her hijab, his chest is filled with pride when the team of 126 steps in front of her, Weston steals his face and locks the phone and pockets it.

"Hey! That's my phone." His co-worker moans.

"That video is disrespectful, I don't want anyone here to be watching it," Weston says it loud enough for everyone around him to hear it, everyone was intimidated of Weston, he's young but he's such a big doctor in their hospital so people will listen to him.

"Sorry." Weston gets a sheepish reply but he sighs and hands the phone back over.

Weston sighed and got back to work, rubbing his eyes he was going to make sure he talked to Marjan later and see how she was doing.


Weston was on the way home from work when he got a call from Carlos Reyes, this was unexpected because Weston knew Carlos was still at work but he picked up.

"Hello?" Weston answers the phone.

"What?" Weston braked in shock.

"I'll be right there, tell him to meet me outside, has he been charged with anything?" Weston asks as he turns a little and gets on the right road to go to the police station.

"Okay good, I'll be there soon." Weston clicks the phone off and taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

When Weston pulls into the station he unlocks his door, he can already see him waiting outside, he had a busted lip.

"Sorry for making Carlos call you." The man says when Weston unlocks the door and he gets in.

"Don't be TK, Carlos said you told him to call me." Weston makes sure TK is buckled before clicking the car in gear and driving.

"Yea, I didn't want anyone else to know because they would think I've been drinking because I was in a bar but I wasn't." TK scoffs a little bit looking out the window.

"Why were you there in the first place?" Weston asks.

"You're brother was being a dick and pissed me off today, sorry." TK bluntly states with an apologetic look on his face after he said it.

"Judd can be a dick but what did he do now?" Weston is for sure going to hear Judd's side of the story but he knew that Judd can lose his temper sometimes.

"I disobeyed him during the silo and we had a disagreement where he said some stuff that hurt me because he mentioned New York and how no one went against me because my dad was captain which kind of insinuates that I only got the job because I'm his son but it's not true. I pushed him, Judd pushed back, we got into a tussle and Paul had to separate us but I was feeling very hurt and went to the bar, I shouldn't have but I got into a fight because I saw some dudes trying to hit on the bartender." TK explains, Weston noticed how he didn't lookup.

"Well, thank you for telling me, now, do you want to go to your house or come to my house?" Weston asks at a traffic light.

"I don't really want to face my dad right now, can I go to your house?" Weston nods instead of replying.

"Beware, my kids are probably home and asleep," Weston smirks and pulls into the driveway of his house.

"It's fine, I like them." TK smiles and lets Weston open the door.

"Can I kiss you?" TK blurts out, shocked a smile spreads on Weston's face.

"Sure." Weston leans in and kisses TK, pushing him against the door he begins to guide TK's shirt off his body, Weston was about to unbutton TK's pants when Weston heard.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Lucas surprises the two men who scramble to get away from each other, TK pushing his pants up and turning around to button.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Weston coughs scolding Lucas.

"I needed some water, what are you doing?" Lucas asks innocently.

"Nothing, now, get some water and go back to bed." TK and Weston watch how Lucas pouts but goes to get water and then he makes his way back to his bed.

After Lucas went to bed TK burst out laughing.

"What is so funny?" Weston turned out looking at TK.

"We got caught by your son West, how is that not ironic." TK laughs but stops when he sees the look on Weston's face.

"It's not fucking funny TK, do you know what could happen if this got back to Judd? Lucas is ten, he's gonna tell people." Weston spits out, not noticing TK's hurt look.

"I think I should go." TK sheepishly says.

"I think that's a great idea." Weston huffs walking to his room and slamming the door.

Weston goes to his room and punches the wall, wanting to scream but he can't because his kids are sleeping, why does he have to fuck everything up.

He just changed into his pajamas when he got a facetime request from Judd, he sighed but answered it.

"Hello, Big Brother."

"You'll never believe what happened today Weston."

"You got into a fight with TK?"

"He told you? Oh my god, that kid."

"Be nice Judd, he's new to this town and you don't know his story." Weston fixes Judd with a look.

"I guess you're right, how was your day?" Judd sighs.

"It was good, long but good, I saw the video of Marjan, I hope she's okay." Weston decides to not tell Judd about him making out with TK or it would only lead to an argument.

"Damn, they took a video, she's gonna be hurt." Judd shakes his head sighing.

"Well, I got to go to bed, thank Grace for watching the kids today."

"You know it's no problem bro." Judd smiles and waves bye.

Weston sighs as he puts his phone down, rubbing ahead across his face he lays down to go to sleep, this day was hectic that's for sure.

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Love At First Stitch || TK Strand ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora