Chapter 22: Healing

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Someone caught me before I hit the ground...or rather something.

"Y/N!" Elsa sobbed as she ran over to me.

"You got your powers back," I smiled weakly as I patted the soft snow that caught me. She ripped the top part of my armour off and lifted up my shirt. I already knew it was too late to heal.

"Get the doctor," Elsa said to a soldier. I heard a "yes you majesty" and footsteps running off.

Elsa desperately tried to freeze the wound, but the blood was warm and ran thorough the ice. She frantically pressed snow against it, but in vain.

"It's okay," I whispered, cupping her cheek "I did my last request from the Queen." Elsa looked over at Anna who also had tears in her eyes.

"No," Elsa choked.

"You know the best part of coming to Arendelle? Getting to be your guard," I said. I pulled her in for one last, sweet kiss, before letting myself relax in her arms.


Elsa POV

I couldn't help the tears that fell after Y/N leaned back into me. Dr. Aker had arrived, but she said that she couldn't do anything for her.

"Move," I heard someone say. Rapunzel pushed her way through the soldiers and gasped when she saw Y/N. Tears formed in her eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she had such a reaction to my girlfriend, when she only knew her for a week.

She held her hand, and I was tempted to push her away, but she held my hand too and told me to sing. She gave me a piece of paper with song lyrics on them.

"Flower, gleam and glow,

let your power shine,

make the clock reverse

bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt.

Change the Fates' design,

save what has been lost,

bring back what once was mine,

what once was mine."

A tear fell from both Rapunzel and my cheek and onto Y/N's neck. I moved to brush it away, but Rapunzel stopped me.

"Wait," she said. I waited for a few moments, and thens something magical happened; Y/N started to hover for a moment, and these golden things wrapped around her torso before gently letting her back down.

Her eyes fluttered open and then she smiled weakly when she saw me, "Did we win?" I threw my arms around her neck and she winced.

"Sorry!" I hugged her more gently and the soldiers cheered.

"Thank you, Rapunzel," Y/N said, and she smiled.

"I didn't know you had magical healing powers," I said, and Rapunzel grinned shyly.

"Not a lot of people know, and I would like to keep it that way."

"Of course," I replied. I helped Y/N to her feet and she leant on me.

"Finally your turn to save me, huh?" She grinned playfully.

"It's not going to be a regular thing," I said. Y/N leaned down and I sighed contently as I felt our lips connect. She was kissing me too slowly for my liking, so I started kiss her more roughly, and I tilted her head up to deepen the kiss. Someone cleared their throat and I broke away.

"I'm sorry, I'll help the wounded," I said. I reluctantly passed Y/N to Rapunzel so she could bring her inside to rest. Even though her wound was healed, she was tired.

"I'll see you later," I said, and she nodded. I caught one last kiss before Y/N was brought away.

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