Chapter 2: New Job

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Your POV

I disarmed my best friend in front of me with a flick of my wrist, sending his sword flying across the training grounds. He was exhausted, sweat dripping down his face, but I was full of energy and ready to do it again. 

"Good job," Oliver said, panting. He had dirty blonde hair, a good build, and a voice that always sounded like he had a cold. He was a newer Arendelle soldier just like me. I think he joined around five months ago. 

"Thanks," I grinned, "You're getting better. You can hold me off for longer. Watch your left side though, it seems to be your weaker side. Here I'll show you how to backhand better."

Leaving the ice harvesting business and joining the Arendelle soldiers a year ago was the best decision that I made, but maybe also the worst. I was required to prove that I was a strong soldier that could learn. Being a female soldier made it even harder to prove myself, but I beat Arendelle's best soldier without breaking a sweat.

However, I don't want to just be an Arendelle soldier. Sure, defending the kingdom was an honourable job, but I want something more than that. It was easy and I wanted a challenge. Not that I wanted a war, but I want some risk, some fun. At least in ice harvesting there was a chance of a avalanche or falling through the frozen fjord. Kidding.

I was also on my way to becoming the new Captain of the soldiers as the last had retired. I'd be the youngest in history at 23, which is both thrilling and scary. 

What was great about being a soldier was that I got to learn how to fight and I got to see glimpses of the gorgeous Queen. I've heard the stories about how she froze Arendelle but thawed it with love. It wasn't a good time to be an ice harvester. 

The trainer motioned for me to practice my sword skills against a wooden dummy standing on the field. I waved goodbye to Oliver and positioned myself at the dummy.

I readied my sword and took a few seconds to prepare myself. Then I hit the significant spots (neck, heart, head, ankles) on the dummy. 

Shifting my perfect form, I then hit the same spots, but faster and faster. This was a practice designed by my trainer, Daniel, to improve agility. 

Unbeknownst to me, Queen Elsa was on her balcony watching my every move, and she was impressed. 

"Since your energy is still high, I would like you to fight Tyrell again," Daniel points to a muscular brown haired man three feet away. 

I swallowed a groan. Tyrell was the second best soldier, and he had almost beaten me once and wouldn't let me forget it. Even when he asked me for a rematch and I crushed him, he still wouldn't let it go that he had almost beaten me. 

The arrogant man swaggered up to me and grinned, "Guess I'm fighting you again." 

"Yeah, I guess so," I forced a smile. 

I readied my sword, looking into the hateful eyes of Tyrell. We circled each other, both waiting for the other to make the first move. 

Elsa watched intently, leaning over her balcony.

"The Queen is here, so you'd better not mess this up for me," Tyrell hisses. I looked over and saw Queen Elsa watching me and Tyrell. I tensed, meeting the beautiful blue eyes of the platinum blonde.

Seeing my distraction, Tyrell lunged and sung his sword to my side. It didn't hurt very much since I had armour on, but I was furious at his dirty move. My face showed nothing, but I angrily slashed at him over and over, causing him to fall backwards in surprise. 

I walked forward to swing my sword when he moved his leg to trip me. Seeing this, I moved out of the way and hit my blade flat on his calf. I didn't want to make a cut, just a point. 

His futile attempt to get up from the ground was stopped when I put the tip of my sword to his heart, signalling that I won. 

Daniel claps at my fast victory, along with Oliver, Elsa, her advisor and the rest of the soldiers who were watching. My lips curved into a modest smile. I offered my hand to help Tyrell from the ground, but he pushes it away and stalks off. 

"Excellent win," Daniel congratulates me, "I would like you to come to the Queen." 

I followed Daniel to the Ice Queen who was now on the training grounds and I bowed respectfully. I glanced at Oliver and saw my confused expression mirrored in his.

"Hello, Y/N. I was watching you train very carefully today, and saw that you are as talented as they say," Elsa says.

I nodded nervously, "Thank you, your majesty."

"As I am required to take a personal guard and you are the best soldier in both physical and moral attributes, I have chosen you to be my personal guard," Elsa says with a small smile, but I noticed that she sounds somewhat bitter.

I glanced at Daniel uncertainly and he nods encouragingly. 

"I would be honoured, your highness," I said with a sincere smile.

Elsa nods approvingly, "You'll get started tomorrow."

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