Chapter 3: Armour

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It's been three days since I was assigned to be Queen Elsa's personal guard. I was taught how to have good posture, look intimidating, speak with authority, walk with authority, to have an impassive face when necessary, and to be charming to guests. 

Wasn't really that hard. I already had to look tough and authoritative when training to be the Captain, and soldiers have to have good posture anyway. I was told that I had natural charisma when Daniel was working on being charming. 

There were definitely perks to being the Queen's personal guard, I thought as the hot water ran down my back. Luxurious showers like these for one, and a nice room in the castle. Before it was a quick 10 minute shower and I had to be out and dressed and in bed. But Elsa wasn't that strict. In fact, it seemed like she didn't really want me around. 

I frowned, remembering how whenever I offered to help her with something she sent me off to do something else that wasn't near her. I didn't think she wanted a personal guard, but was forced to have one. 

I could understand that it would be a sort of insult if you had ice powers and someone wants a normal person to protect you, but I wanted to get to know her, and talk to her and maybe have a relati- whoa. Maybe I want too much.

I got two hours of training every day which I liked, but the rest of the day I pretty much free to do whatever I wanted unless Elsa needed something. When she did, which was almost never, she sent me an ice message.

The Queen wasn't mean to me, she was actually quite polite but she was just...distant. The Queen's sister, Anna, and I became instant friends with. She's just...likeable. Not that Elsa wasn't.

I sighed, wondering if my life was going to be as boring as this. The same routine everyday, just like being a soldier, except the Queen wouldn't talk to me. I wasn't much of a personal guard.

I stopped the shower and got out. I then realized that I forgot to put a towel in the bathroom. Groaning, I walked out of the bathroom leaving wet footprints. I went over to my closet and took out a towel and started to dry myself off. When I was finished I threw the towel on the bed and put on a bra.

"Y/N, your armour and weapons are scheduled to be here in ten minutes," Elsa said, opening the door and walking into my room. I froze as she stared at me in shock. 

At least my legs are hidden by the bed, I thought. Her eyes wandered to my toned torso before they met mine. I saw a faint blush on her cheeks before the Queen quickly looked away.

"I'm so sorry I should've knocked. I'll be waiting for you downstairs," she said hastily before quickly walking out the door, her ice dress flowing behind her.

Without knowing why I was grinning so much, I finished drying myself off and put on some clothes. I couldn't wait to get a sword. The ones in the training shed are good, but this one was custom made for me, with the right length, width, and weight to suit my preferences. 

My grin started to fade as I walked down the stairs to meet the Queen. 

"Your majesty," I bowed. I noticed how Elsa wouldn't meet my eyes and her cheeks were still red. 

She cleared her throat a couple times before saying, "Follow me." I hid my smirk and followed her basement, the air becoming a bit cold. 

"Your armour will be a bit warmer," Elsa reassured me, noticing me shivering. 

"It's fine, but if I may ask, aren't you cold," I asked. 

"The cold doesn't bother me," Elsa said, and I remembered that she had ice powers. We entered a room and the tailor instructed me to stand in front of the mirror while she put the armour on. I noticed Elsa taking quick glances at my chest out of the corner of my eye.

"There," the tailor said, "How is it?" I studied the armour in the mirror. It was a nice colour - grey with a tint of blue, and it fit well. I walked around a bit, and it wasn't that heavy at all, though it was strong. The boots fit nicely, but when I moved my fingers around in the metal glove I winced.

"The armour is really good, thank you," I said and the tailor beamed, "I love the colour and it fits well. You did an amazing job, but is it alright if I don't wear the hand protectors? I don't want them to interfere when I fight." I saw Elsa raise her eyebrows when I complimented the tailor. I guess people don't give compliments that much here. 

"The hand gear is supposed to protect your hands while you fight so the other soldier doesn't cut of your hand and make you unable to fight, but I suppose if you are uncomfortable with them, you don't have to wear them," the tailor said. 

"Well...could you maybe make them a bit more flexible," I asked, and the tailor nodded. 

"Is the sword here," Elsa asked. 

"I'm afraid not, your majesty. The daggers are but the iron maker fell ill and wasn't able to finish the sword," the tailor replied. 

"That's alright," Elsa said, but I could hear a trace of annoyance in her voice. We were behind for weapons already. "I'll be sure to send the doctor to him. In the meantime." Elsa waved her hands, and a gorgeous ice sword appeared. She handed it to me and I held it carefully. 

"It won't melt or break easily like a normal sword," Elsa said.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, and Elsa smiled. I swung it a couple times, and marvelled at how perfect it was. The blade was a nice ice blue, and it gleamed. There was a sort of mist or shimmer surrounding the blade, and it had a magical aura. It was the perfect length and weight, and the handle fit perfectly into my hands as if it was made for me.

"How did you remember how long and how heavy I wanted the sword," I asked Elsa. 

A pink tint appeared on her cheeks and she hesitated before saying, "Your numbers were easy to remember." 

"It's perfect," I said, and Elsa smiles. 

"Good," she replies, "It'll do until your sword is finished." My sword went into a sheathe at my hip. I got my three daggers and put one in my boot, one at my hip, and one concealed inside of my armour.  I followed Elsa out of the basement with a "thank you" to the tailor. 

"Your majesty, would you like me to get you anything," I asked politely, but Elsa shakes her head. 

"No it's alright Y/N, you can spend the rest of the day outside and around the kingdom, I know you enjoy that," Elsa replied walking away. I was surprised that she noticed that I liked to be outside. 

"Maybe I could stay with you in case you ne-"

"No!" Elsa almost yelled at you. My eyes widened and I backed away. 

"Alright," I said carefully, "I'll just be...around. Send one of your ice messages if you need me." I bowed quickly and walked away. 

"Wait, Y/N," Elsa called. I turned around as she bit her lip, "I-I'm sorry, I just have a lot of work to do. Why don't you join me for a walk later this evening after dinner." 

"Of course, your majesty," I said, and Elsa gave me a small smile. I walked out of the castle gates wondering how I was going to be a personal guard when she kept pushing me away. 

The Guard (Elsa x Fem Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora