Chapter 18: The Other Guard

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I looked at all the injured soldiers in the infirmary, wondering if I could've prevented it. I was in the dungeons at the time that it started, and I could've been there to lead our soldiers better.

"It's not your fault," Tyrell said, as if he knew what I was thinking.

"I know," I sighed, "You did great out there, thank you."

"Thank you. You were the one who got me out of the dungeons," Tyrell said.

"I knew didn't think you were the spy," I replied. I told the other soldiers that Tyrell was shooting from the rooftops, saving many soldiers. I also mentioned that I saw someone in an Arendelle uniform run off towards the castle while Tyrell was still on the roof.

Elsa was talking to the soldiers and comforting them. I walked over to Oliver's bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Alright. I won't be able to fight in the next battle with the Southern Isles though," Oliver coughed feebly, "I heard you let Tyrell out of prison."

"Yeah, he was really useful today and I don't think he's the spy anyway," I said.

"Be careful around him, I wouldn't be so sure," Oliver warned.

I glanced over  at Tyrell who was making jokes with the injured soldiers, and patted his leg, "Get some rest."

I followed an upset Elsa out of the infirmary.

"Look at all of those injured soldiers! They're hurt because Hans wants to kill me! I don't want any other people dying because of me. Next time he comes, I'm going to face him myself," Elsa said.

"That's the most stupid thing that has ever come out of your mouth," I replied.

"Excuse me?" she glared at me.

"What's going to happen when Hans kills you? Yes, he will kill you if it's only you against him and his army. And don't forget about the potion that strips your powers. Arendelle will go to the Southern Isles. The Duke of the Eastern Isles will overthrow their King with Andreas help, and then the Eastern isles will fight with Hans over Arendelle, for our resources or whatever. More bloodshed. That can't happen, you need an army with you," I said.

Elsa was silent for a few moments.

"This is why you're Captain," she said softly.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"You're Captain because you think things through like this. I just don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me," Elsa said. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, our foreheads touching.

"It's not just for you. They're fighting for their Queen and their Kingdom, so it won't be handed over to horrible people," I whispered.

"What would I do without you?" Elsa sighed.

"Hmm, you could always see King Oskar," I said, earning me a punch to my shoulder and a glare. I brought her closer to me and our lips just brushed when Rapunzel walked over.

"Um, sorry to interrupt you two, but I can send some soldiers from Corona to Arendelle," she said.

"That would be great, Rapunzel. Thank you," Elsa said, and Rapunzel embraced her.

"It'll take a full day to get here, so I don't know if they'll be ready on time."

"I'll send an ice message and you can sign it. It'll get to Corona in less than an hour," Elsa said.

"Good. Now, sorry for interrupting, I'll give her back to you," Rapunzel winked at me and I blushed.

"Where we were?" Elsa pretended to think. I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips firmly against hers. She hummed in content, but I pulled away quickly.

The Guard (Elsa x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now