Chapter 16: A Day Off

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The party ended not long after, and I silently walked Elsa back to her room. She kept giving me sideways glances as if she wanted to say something, but she never did. I was still a bit upset at her for overreacting, but worry overruled.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly as we reached her bedroom door, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"King Oskar...he tried to force himself on me. And then the masked man came and knocked him out and I thought we was going to help me, but he just attacked me," Elsa's voice broke, and I immediately pulled her into my arms. She hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder while I just held her.

I'm going to kill that beast if he ever sets foot in Arendelle.

"What Kingdom was Oskar from?" I asked Elsa, pulling away and wiping her tears from her cheeks.

"I don't remember," Elsa frowned.

"I won't let him touch you ever again. I won't let anyone hurt you," I promised.

"Okay," Elsa said shakily. I opened her door and led her inside. Elsa seemed to be in shock and couldn't move. I looked deep into her teary blue eyes, before reaching a hand back and undoing her elegant bun. It fell down her shoulder as a braid and I gently undid that too, until her platinum blonde hair was beautiful and free, just like I loved it.

I stepped closer to her, my eyes flicking to her lips, and leaned in and gently placed my lips on hers. I felt her kiss back almost immediately, and we just stood there for a while, moving our lips slowly against one another. We didn't go any faster because we didn't need to.

I was the first to pull away, "I love you, Elsa."

"I love you too," Elsa said, and I pulled her into another hug.

"You should go to sleep," I said softly. Elsa snapped her fingers and her night clothes replaced her ice dress. I picked her up and carried her across her huge room to her bed and placed her under the covers. As I pulled the covers over the beautiful platinum blonde, I heard her voice.

"Are you going to stay?"

I kissed her forehead, "You said that we should sleep in our own room now."

Elsa frowned, "Oh right." I waited for a moment, but was disappointed when she didn't say anything else. I said goodnight and went back to my room, but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking of other ways to protect Elsa and the impending questioning for the Duke's guard. With so many thoughts in my head, I couldn't sleep.

I took off my shirt and put on some shorts before crawling into bed. I sighed, wondering if there was any way to avoid a war. Eventually, I drifted off.

I woke up to the sound of someone opening my door, and feet shuffling across my floor. My hand wandered down the edge of my bed and I gripped my ice sword. As the shuffling got closer, I turned around and wielded my ice sword.

"Elsa?" I asked, surprised.

"You almost took my head off!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry," I mumbled, putting the ice sword down, "I thought you were someone else. What are you doing here?"

"Well I...wanted to cuddle," she said, her pale cheeks turning red, "And I can't sleep without you."

"Okay," I said softly, moving the covers so she could slide into bed.

"You sleep shirtless?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah," I said, blushing.

"Why don't you sleep shirtless with me?"

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