Vidcone day #1

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Sam: so y/n since you woke up late we're 5 minutes behind
You: we still have like an hour before the event starts
Lizzie: yeah but everyone ate already and you didn't!
You: I'm fine! Let's go now!
Fangs: I may have gotten us a limo so you don't have to drive
You: aww thanks Fangs! Well let's go!

(At the vidcon center)
(10 minutes before opening)
Security: Creater passes?
Trap house: *shows passes*
You: kids *shows pass*
Kids: *shows their passes*
Lizzie: *shows passes*
Carlos + fangs: *shows passes*

(In the building)
You: ok so what do we do now?
Colby: not sure....
Security: ok so first Miss Avery you'll be singing your songs and then a meet and greet and as for the rest of you, you will be doing a meet and greet and then you can do whatever you want after and security will be with you so nothing happens
Everyone: ok
You: ok let's go Kids
Lizzie: what about me and fangs and Carlos?
You: yeah I know that's why I said kids
Lizzie: uh! Rude!

(Behind the stage)
Interviewer: so everyone welcome y/n Tovar Avery!!
You: *walks up the stage* hey everyone!
Fans: *cheering and shi*
You: *sits down*
Interviewer: so is it fine that I ask you some questions before you get to perform?
You: sure!
Interviewer: so let's start off when you went viral with your first ever music video. So was that your first ever song?
You: no it wasn't. See that was one of many of my other ones. This story will be going into my bad past but essentially before my whole family died and twin sister and everything my dad was a murder...
Everyone: *gasps*
You: see I don't talk about my past for reasons like this but I'm making an exception. But I was so traumatized when I was little when i first saw my dad drag something I will not mention what it is but when I had seen that he told me it was all a Dream and everything and I was so petrified the only escape I had was to write my feelings in a song and that song I had first published was a song that I wrote from being in love and I'm sorry if I may have said the thing about my past and it also petrified you
Interviewer: wow.... that's a lot of things that has happened
You: no everything...
Interviewer: so how did you feel when you were getting-

(30 minutes later)
Interviewer: ok so the last few questions... what's your relationship with Colby Brock? We've seen all the photos and edits of you too
You: uh well we're only friends and that day at the beach I had gotten shot 2 times before and I had tripped and twisted my foot and a rock fell on it and he helped me and a wave pushed us and I don't even think I could date someone as stupid as him *laughs* well he's not stupid but has only 2 brain cells
Interviewer: uh huh and would you say that you'd hook up with him
You: look I'm sorry but I thought this whole thing was about me singing and not 101 questions
Interviewer: so you're not denying it
You: actually I am. I wouldn't! He's my friend and-
Interviewer: then why is there a picture of you kissing him outside of a building
You: sorry that wasn't me but I wouldn't kiss him and he does that a lot so yeah I'm denying it *stands up*
Interviewer: fine but don't you think your kids should have a better role model instead of one who fights in front of them and that doesn't act psycho
Fans: *gasps*
You: what did you say?
Interviewer: I think your kids deserve a better role model than you
You: look I'm sorry that I protected my daughter from being hit by a woman who has no right to hit my daughter and I will do anything to protect my daughter and that woman hit my first so therefore it's not my fault and I will not be getting sued or having a law problem and I think we're done here *starts walking away*
Interviewer: what happened with their dads anyway? Did you turn into your dad? I haven't seen any of your ex's anywhere
You: *turns around and walks towards the interviewer*
Colby: *behind stage* how is it?
Sophia: well aunt Lizzie and my uncles left to find you guys Bc it's almost over and my mom is about to kill in interviewer
Colby: *runs up the stage before y/n can jump on the interviewer* we're done here
Interviewer: like I said they claim they aren't dating but here's the proof!

(Behind the stage)
You: that bitch
Colby: you can't lose your temper
You: fine! Let go of me then! I need space! *walks around Colby and then leaves and walks somewhere*
Sarah: soo....
Colby: let's find everyone else!

(With you)
You: *sitting down on the floor crying a little*
Fans: omg are you ok?!?
You: *looks up* yeah...
Fans: we're sorry about what happened
You: thank you.... but I don't think you'd want to be around me because now I'm a "murder" just like my dad and everyone hates me now
Fans: we don't hate you! We love you!
You: thanks. Wanna take some pictures?
Fans: yeah!!

(1 hour later)
You: hey guys
Colby: where were you?!?
Lizzie: excuse me that's my job! Where the hell were you?
Tara: heard what happened you on!
Katrina: wanna leave?
You: I'm fine and I was with some of my fans
Sam: well let's go and meet more fans then!
You: sure!
Lizzie: ok lets go! *walks forward with everyone*
Colby: *flirts with y/n in the back*
You: *flirts back*

Well you know what happens *moans* jk but unless 😉 jkjk
Love you potato's!

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