Pregent with Blazes baby?!?

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Blaze: yes like leave this world
Maverick: why?
Blaze: well I was born with this condition and they said I would only live up to my 18th and I my dream is that yes I won't get the job of my dreams but to at least have a kid
Maverick: wow.... I'm sorry man
Blaze: yeah but i don't know if she would want one
Maverick: ok I lied! I was actually apart the convo and she does want kids with you!
Blaze: *tears up a little* really?
Maverick: yes! And you need to tell her that as well. Like everything!
Blaze: ok I will
Maverick: but now!
Blaze: ok!

(Your room)
You: *laying down in bed with nothing on*
Blaze: baby you up?
You: yes daddy?
Blaze: *smirks* I want to have a talk
You: uh ok! *sits up* yes?
Blaze: first love how big your boobs are with out something making them look smaller
You: want to suck on them daddy? You can if you want!
Blaze: well yes but I wanna talk
You: ok in a few minutes but yeah?
Blaze: so..... *explains everything*
You: *tears up* yes babe! I'll have your kid or kids. I don't care what they are! I'll love them the same! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm glad to told me this! Wanna sleep in here with me?
Blaze: ok
You: but no clothes because I can't sleep with sweat!
Blaze: ok! *takes off clothes* *snuggles with y/n*
You: *runs clit in Blazes dick*
Blaze: *gets boner and grabs y/n's thigh and pulls her pussy closer so he can stick his dick in*
You: *moves pussy against Blazes dick so he would want to have sex*
Blaze: babe I need help!
You: *gets up and opens legs*

You: *wakes up with Blazes dick in pussy* *gets up and gives Blaze a morning blow job* *sits on Blazes dick and rids it like a bull* *makes Blaze cum in you* *does a hand stand so the cum can go to an egg faster*
Blaze: *wakes up to cum on dick and and y/n doing a hand stand against the wall* *still needs to un load and cums in y/n's pussy*
You: omg daddy! I didn't know you were awake!
Blaze: well I am and what are you doing babe?
You: I'm doing a hand stand so the process goes faster for the cum fertilizes an egg
Blaze: When was your last period?
You: like last month
Blaze: ok and when is the day your supposed to get it?
You: like last week and 4 days ago
Blaze: babe
You: yes?
Blaze: we need to go to the store now!
You: OMG!

(1 hour later)
You: *takes test*
Blaze: did it show? *walking around the room*
You: one more minute!

(2 minutes later)
Test: (+)
You: *cry's*
Blaze: babe? You ok? Is it a no?
You: *opens door* yes
Blaze: *gets happy and jumps up and down* *runs out the room and runs around the house screaming*
Lizzie: what the....
You: *smiling*
Lizzie: what ever!

(12 pm)
Blaze: *talking to the kids*
Coo: *pushing nick on the swing*
Lizzie: why was blaze screaming in the morning?
You: I'm pregnant.....
Lizzie: you are? What? No?
You: yes!
Lizzie: congrats! Have you told the kids?
You: no not yet
Lizzie: ok but do it!

You: kids?!
Nick + twins: yes?
You: meet me in the game room!
Kids: *runs to game room*
You: babe it's time
Blaze: ok!
You: oh and maverick
Maverick: yeh?
You: *shows pregnancy test*
Maverick: yes?
You: *nods*

(GAme Room)
Kids: yes?
You: so I have news *holding Blazes hand and hiding the test with the other* I'm pregnant!
Twins: huh?
Nick: what do you mean momma?
You: see, I have a baby in my tummy and it might be a baby brother or sister! Or both!
Nick: ima be a big brother again?!?
You: yes!
Twins: were gonna be a big sister?
You: yeah
Nick: congrats momma! I'm happy for you!
Twins: us too!
Blaze: I'm so happy!
You: me too babe! I have to call and tell amber! *calls amber and tells her*

(2 hours later)
Amber: hey y/n
You: hey sis!
Amber: so your pregnant?
You: yeah
Amber: Wait! You dating someone?
You: yeah
Amber: who? You get with fangs?
You: no he cheated on me with Coo
Fangs: well you to bossy! *says it in a girl voice*
You: *laughs* it's not fangs
Amber: who then? A random?
You: ew no! Who else lives here?
Amber: Blaze?
You: yeah
Amber: Wait Blaze?
You: mhm and Nicks here
Amber: Wait Nick?
You: yeah!
Amber: where?
You: kids!
Kids: yes?
You: lunch is ready!
Twins: hi aunt Amber
You: nick meet your other aunt Amber
Nick: oh..... hi aunt amber!
Amber: hi!
Nick: *runs to the kitchen to eat*
Lizzie: come eat!

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