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(Time: 2:56 am)
You: *looking up at the ceiling*
???: can't sleep can you?
You: no.... wait who's there?
???: you forgot my voice? I mean It is fair.... you probably forgot about all of us didn't you?
You: *sits up* um..... should I know your voice?
???: I mean you wouldn't know me.... at lest not yet, I'm the girl that kept your boyfriend happy after you never went to meet up with him
You: you mean cadence?
???: yes, he was so hart broken but I helped him! Now you need punishment for not meeting up with him! *goes to cut your neck*
You: *lays down and grabs ??? Hands with feet and rolls down the couch and moves around till you have ??? In head lock*
???: *brakes something*
Cadence: *turns on the light* what's going on? Vanessa? What are you doing here? And y/n what are you doing to my girlfriend?
You: girlfriend? She tried to kill me!
Venessa: no I didn't babe! I just saw her and I thought she should sleep in one of the other rooms
You: you lying ass bitch! You tried to slit my throat!
Venessa: I would never do that! Babe tell her!
Cadence: y/n she's never do that!
You: oh so I'm lying then?
Cadence: well I haven't seen you in 4 years
You: ok so it's my fault about everything I told you AND! We made an agreement to NEVER EVER bring our boyfriends or girlfriends here. And what do you do? Bring someone here! And I have been your best friend since kindergarten until 4 years ago and you forgot to know me? Or that you would believe your lying girlfriend to where you wouldn't believe your best friend that you know every well
Cadence: y-
You: now tell me if that's fair! Because I sure know that if it were the opposite and my baby daddy tried doing this to you I'd believe you.
Cadence: would you really?
You: yes! You think I'd be believing some guy I met in school over my best friend since kindergarten?
Cadence: wait! It was a guy from your school?!
You: that's not the point!
Venessa: baby she tried to harm me and your off topic
Cadence: shhh! Then what is the point?
You: the point is that I'm done! I'm done with this and you! And your *looks Venessa up and down* bitch
The people: *clapping for y/n*
You: to the people who want to come with me and join my gang that will help you for the better and you'll actually get some money
95% of the people: *go with y/n*
You: now let's go! Wait out side! And if you try to say sorry for this best believe I'm not going trust you again!

You: ok since it's 4:25 am we should at lest start hiking up the mountains and go east! But first let's go to an am/pm so we can get jugs of water

(Miles walked: 4,569 miles)
(Time: 8pm)
Person: can we get some rest?
You: were in the middle of the desert! You want to get eaten by mountain lions? Great! Go ahead!
Little kid: but mam'n my feet are tired and so is my mommy's she's tired of carrying me
You: how old are you?
Little kid: 5
You: who else has 1-7 ear olds?
15 people: *raises hands*
You: ok let's do this.... I had bought a raft at the store across the street where we last stopped so all the little kids from 1-5 get in
20 little kids: *gets in the raft*
You: *ties a rope on a latch the raft has* *ties the rope around waist and shoulders* we got like 6 more hours until we get to a safe destination

(5 hours later)
You: *stops* ok we have one hour left and we don't have many water left... so drink a little and then let's move
Kids: *asleep*

(In the outskirts of the border between Arizona mad New Mexico)
(2 am)
You: ok now you can rest I'll keep watch
Person: I'm hungry!
You: I had bought some pre-packaged-navy food so share with the 2 people around you
Kids: what do we get? They all got food!
You: *checks in bag* I got some dry cereal and chips?
Kids: *eats the food*
You: *sitting apart from the big group* *siting in fetal position* *puts hands on head and starts to think and cry*
Little kid: *sees y/n* hey I managed to get some cereal and chips... wanna share with me?
You: *sniff* what? Oh no! You eat! You need it!
Little kid: You sure? what's wrong?
You: oh nothing.....
little kid: is it because of those scars? Or marks all over your body?
You: no.... you wouldn't understand...
Little kid: just try me!
You: ok fine, I'm crying because I have 2 little girls at him just like you but they are 5 months and *tells the rest of the story*
Little girl: awww I'm sorry.... my mommy had to go through the same thing sorta... but she's getting old and can't really afford to feed my and my brother and sister... she can barely walk and people have been helping her walk
You: oh I'm so sorry....
Little girl: *yawns* yeah.... *lays head on y/ns lap*
You: *plays with her hair*
Woman: hey....
You: um yeah?
Woman: she really trusts you
You: uh?
Woman: well yeah I'm her mother but can I ask you something?
You: sure
Woman: can you take care of her and her brother and sister? I'm getting old and I've gotten into bad trouble with the police before and I can't afford to lose them like that so if you can please take care of her? I have some other family that don't like her and her siblings and some other of the people are going with me so can you?
You: you want me to adopt them?
Woman: if you could? I can tell she really cares for you
You: I mean I don't know but I can take care of her and try to find her a good home with her siblings because one of my friends is trying to have kids but she can't herself....
Woman: so can you?
You: sure!

Love you potato's!

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