Trap house at the house

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(4 hours away from home)
(Outside 0.1 miles away from the Airport)
You: *turns down music* hey are you guys hungry? We can stop at a place to get something really quick or do you guys want something homemade?
Everyone: *asleep*
You: *laughs*
Colby: I could go for a smoothie really quick
You: well Everyone's asleep, I don't think it would be fair. I'll be making some food at my house anyways because I've been cleaning the entire house and I mean entire house.... and I haven't ate anything since yesterday
Colby: I guess! Can I pay my Spotify?
You: sure! The Jax is right there! *continues driving*

(5 am)
You: *parks the car and turns it off*
Colby: let's leave them in here
You: that would be funny but I'm not cruel! So sorry no! Hey guys?
Colby: they won't wake up
You: ok hold on! *turns car on and takes Colby's phone*
Colby: I-
You: *plays the Ear Rape song from Monsters ink*
Everyone: *wakes up* *runs out the car*
You: *turns off car and all*
Tara: why'd you do that?
You: you guys wouldn't wake up! And grab your bags! I'll be making food/ breakfast since it's 5am

(In side)
(Living Room)
You: ok so for Tara and Jake your rooms are next to Lizzie's and Carlos's and Sam and Katrina your room is across from Nicks and Corey yours is next to Fangs and Colby yours is down the hall from the Twins and each room has a chalkboard saying the name of who's room it is so out your names on it and I'll be making food and you all can rest or if you guys want you can chill and watch movies on the TV here in the living room
Everyone: ok
Sam: this house is fucking huge!!
You: yeah... oh and once you guys actually wake up I'll show you a tour of the house and it does in fact have a Cinema so go to your rooms and rest but if you want to stay down here and watch something or do whatever feel free!
Colby: I'll stay!
Corey: me too!

(8 am)
Colby: *asleep on the couch*
Corey: *goes upstairs to tell everyone that the food is ready*
You: *plates the food and places it in the table*
Twins: *eats*
Nick: *eats*
Lizzie: oh hey guys! You came so late!
Tara: yeah it was the captains fault!
Lizzie: ohhhh
Carlos: come sit everyone!
Katrina: *takes a bite of the food* what is this?
You: well since it's your first time staying here with us and I never cook this only on occasions but it's Tamales and if you look at your left it's posole it's like a type of soup but Mexican and it take hours to make and shi
Jake: this shits good! Like actually!
You: yeah!

(After eating)
You: *cleans dishes*
Colby: got any white claws?
You: usually...... hmmm..... come with me!

You: this fridge and this little room is the alcohol room but shhhhh!!!! We aren't 21 but let's say I have the hook ups!

You: *cleaning*
Lizzie: I love your nails!
Katrina: thank you
Sam: got anything we can do?
You: oh right! Fangs show them around the house but only the parts that are marked...
Fangs: right!
Corey: what? Killed your ex boyfriends or some shit?
You: almost did.... and no it's just personal...
Sam: ohh sorry
You: it's fine but Fangs will show you what you can do!

(30 minutes later)
Tara: come over here y/n!
You: ok *stops cleaning and sits at the couch*

(3 hours later)
(1 pm)
You: so should we go out or something?
Tara: I feel like I've done everything here tho
You: have you ever gone to grannies house?
Katrina: huh?
Lizzie: it's this place where you supposedly go into grannies house and once you go in she gives you cookies and you go on a team and race to get all the flags and when you do you have to find a secret hide hole that you crawl through and go back into grannies house and you win but there's a catch! There is other people who are dressed like grannies and if they tag you you're out and if you get tagged with the flags you're out and the flags remain where you dropped them and is garded by all the grannies (this is made up but I Call on making this a real place!!!!!! I shall call thee dibs)
Tara: that's sounds so scary but fun!
Lizzie: yeah I've only won it because of y/n
You: oh and the hideout tunnel thing changes every 10 minutes
Katrina: then we won't win...
You: still wanna try it?
Jake: try what?
Sam: yeah?
You: grannies
Fangs: oh shit yeah!! Let's do it!
Carlos: yeah once I change, I was in the pool...... andddddddddd I think Colby is a bit drunk.....
Sam: Colby!
Colby: *drinks "water"* what?
Jake: this isn't our house!!
You: no it's fine! Now we have an advantage against all of you! I challenge you guys! Boys vs. Girls at Grannies!
Katrina: we'll lose!
You: no we won't! Colby is drunk and Fangs is a bit hurt
Tara: true!
You: oh and bring an extra pare of clothes!
Sam: why?
You: *laughs* you'll see *runs upstairs and grabs a other set of clothes*

(Back Down stairs)
Lizzie: wait who will stay with the kids?
You: they'll come with us! There's a kid one but with a ball pit and a military corse and if the kids win they win a free batch of brownies
Tara: lucky
You: so let's go?
Everyone: yeah!

Grannie: hello and welcome to Grannies. I see you're here to break your score again?
You: *laughs* yeah! So I was wondering if me and my friends can go boys against girls and I brought my kids again
Grannie: ok sure! Kids go that way on the purple door and I see you brought Jess! How lovely!! We can have her in a ball pit with another grannie if you'd like?
You: sure!
Grannie: ok! So come this way and put your clothes here!

So this is about to get interesting
Love you potato's!

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