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(Next week)
You: *takes Nick to Kindergarten and the twins to daycare*
Lizzie: *goes to work*
You: *feeds Jess tit*
Jess: da..... dad.......daddy!
You: *crying* yes Jess! But daddy's not with us anymore! *wipes tears*
Jess: ma..... Mama!
You: *holds Jess* yes Jess yes!

(7 months later)
(Jess is now 11 months old)
You: *takes nick to school*
Lizzie: *goes to work*
You: *takes the twins and Jess to daycare* *goes to work*

(Next day)
You: *feeding jess*
Lizzie: hey Jess! Hi y/n!
You: hi!
Jess: hi auntie Lizzie!
You: *puts Jess down* go play!
Maverick: yooooooooo cash has been doing so good in the meantal Hospital he's getting out in 5 months!
You: so basically he's been in there a year and a half
Maverick: yup
You: ok.........
Lizzie: hey if you want we can lock up his old room so Cash doesn't wonder in there
You: yeah..... I'll just get my wardrobe out of there
Lizzie: yeah......
Maverick: well I'll pick up the kids!
You: ok!

(1 week later)
(Time: 2am)
You: who's down for a trip?
Lizzie: sure! Let me post this one video
You: of?
Lizzie: unreleased music video!
You: oh.... ok. But who is down?
Fangs: sure!
Maverick: Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Hawaii it is! Everyone pack!
Maverick: I kinda already bought the tickets like 2 days ago so that's good you said this and we leave today......
You: MAVERICK! When do we depart?
Maverick: innnnnn 5 hours......
You: so at 7 am?
Maverick: yup......
You: *rolls eyes* everyone pack!
Lizzie: hey where is Amber at? Haven't seen her in months...... well a year and a half.....
You: she moved back to Oklahoma with Jenna. But at least she's getting a good career over there so yeah
Lizzie: oh ok! *goes and packs for her and Carlos*
Fangs: ima go pack...
You: wait where did Coo go? Haven't seen her in a few weeks....
Fangs: we broke up. She cheated but we still talk but not much
You: oh ok
Fangs: how long will we be gone?
You: at least 4 weeks
Fangs: k! *goes upstairs*
You: *goes in the twins room and packs their clothes* *packs Nicks clothes* *packs my clothes* *looks at time* *time: 5: 30* *goes down stairs and drinks coffee* *packs Jess's clothes* *time: 6:30* *lays down*
Maverick: *goes in room* hurry let's go!
You: *gets up and takes suitcases to the car*
Lizzie: *puts her suitcases in the car and calls Carlos to come*
You: *runs upstairs and picks up Jess and puts her in her car seat* *runs back up to pick up Sophia and Sarah* *runs again to get Nick*

Maverick: we're here for the flight to Hawaii!
Lady: yes the plane will board off at 8 am
You: *holding Jess in a pouch thing* *has Sophia and Sarah in a stroller* *has Nick on top of the cart with the suitcases* maverick!
Maverick: sorry......
You: Lizzie can you pick the twins?
Lizzie: yeah. Who is hungry?
Everyone: yes!

(30 minutes later)
Speaker: flight A21 to Hawaii is now boarding!
Maverick: let's go guys!
Nick: *half awake* *pulls his suit case and Sophia's*

(On the plane)
You: *puts Jess's car seat on the seat* *puts Jess in the seat*
Nick: *sits next to Jess's seat*
Lizzie + Carlos: *sitting with Sarah*
Maverick + fangs: *sitting with Sophia*

(6 hours later)
(Time: 2 pm)
You: *gets Jess and puts her in the pouch* (one of those baby pouches like the kangaroos) *gets her suitcase and Jess's*
Sarah + Sophia: *taking there suitcases*

You: can I get an Air B&B?
Man: how many adults and kids?
You: 5 adults and 4 kids
Man: so there is 5 rooms. A room with 4 beds and the other 4 rooms with one bed
You: ok I'll take it
Man: ok $3000
You: *pays*

(The Air B&B)
You: *goes to your room and un packs*

(When everyone unpacks)
You: *eating*
Lizzie: let's go to the beach?
You: yeah!

You: *in swim suit* *laying in the sand* what should we do today?
Lizzie: I dunno!
Maverick: go surfing?
Carlos: ok bet!!
Fangs: race ya!
Maverick: *runs*
Lizzie: they are so stupid sometimes
You: yup
Sarah + Sophia: *barring Nick in the sand* (don't care if I spelt it wrong)
Jess: *playing with her toys*
Lizzie: so how will you deal with cash being back?
You: I know shits gonna start again Bc Sarah and Sophia used to call Blaze dad sometimes and they get confused as well because they call cash by his actual name so I don't know.... like they know blaze wasn't their actual dad but he was there for them for when cash wasn't so I don't know..... and I don't think-
Lizzie: calm down! Everything will be ok! Just relax! Anyways he's out in 5 months so we're ok!
You: I guess.....
Lizzie: but if he goes into Blazes old room I will kill him
You: if he does I'm killing him!
Lizzie: yes! Ooo! Music vid-
Fan: omg! Y/n can I get your autograph? Please?
Another fan: can I take a picture with you?
More fans: *join in*
You: *puts a robe like thing on* sure! *does all the things*
Fan: is there another Music video coming out?
Fan: were you traumatized when you saw Blaze on the ground?
Fan: did you ever think it was your fault?
Fan: did you ever hav-
You: *getting questioned a lot and starts to have a panic attack*
Sophia: *notices everyone and goes through the crowd and pushes them back but gets kicked in the face*
You: can you all back up please?
Fans: *getting closer to y/n*
You: *yells* BACK UP!
Sophia: *crying*
You: *picks up Sophia and takes her to a spot where there's not a lot of people and helps her and stops her crying*
Fans: *posting all the videos and pictures they took*
Lizzie: *helps Nick get out of the sand and tells nick and Sarah to help pick up the things* *picks up Jess*

Love you potato's!

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