Chapter 14

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Becoming a full fledged lady!


According to Wikipedia, Menstruation, also known as a period or monthly, is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue (known as menses) from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.

And I didn't even understand it.

I think my mother had forgotten to teach me about menstruation thinking that I'm already a teenager who can definitely search the net and just learn it in a matter of time.

But I'm not.

I'm just an alien, a half child and a half adult, experiencing menstruation for the first time.

And honestly, it sucks.

Very much so.

So why do I need it and why do I feel pain? That's the questions that popped in my mind today.

"I've already asked your teacher and mine for permission to leave the class,  they said it's best to go to the nurse's office" Aifen said, her hair is in a braid today which I totally didn't see because I was too busy minding my death.

Anyways, I thanked her and she guided me to the nurse's office where unfortunately, the nurse is somewhere I don't know. Thank goodness I have someone with me or else I'll be limping over the cabinet, taking any medicine to alleviate the pain or stop the bleeding in my lower body.

"Here, drink this, it'll help you over the cramps" Aifen handed me a mug filled with warm water and do I smell ginger in here?

"Thank you" I murmured quietly while I sipped the warm water. It taste sweet and spicy and it does warm my lower abdomen.

I sighed in relief as I continued to sip on this magical drink. Feeling a bit drowsy, I finished my drink and was about to sleep when Aifen nudged me.

"What?" I drowsily said, my body was too tired to accompany her today.

"I'll just talk about how menstruation works" I nodded for her to continue. "It happens every month and the cramps is worse in your first day"

"What?!" My eyes widen in horror as she nodded. "Why should I experience it?! Why do I need to feel pain every month! It's too unfair!" Lacking tears to cry, I can only wail in my heart.

"Its for your unnecessary tissues that are no longer needed and is released out of your body and....for you to get p-pregnant"



I was stupified at the last part, I think I shouldn't have asked her, right? But all I can do was to nod at her, as if I have finally resolved myself that I am finally a woman that can give birth to a baby.

A freaking baby!

"Don't worry too much, it's a normal occurrence for every girls to experience. Besides, we're already teenagers and a lot of changes will happen in our bodies" she added hastily and I immediately looked at my flat cardboard like chest and looked at her bountiful one.


"You didn't stutter too much while taking to me" I suddenly realized that she didn't stutter nor her voice is as weak as compared to yesterday.

"Oh...uhm...I was just- just shy to W-Wei Xiu" then she blushed like a maiden in love!

Uwa! She's really adorable!

"Seriously, what did you see in that stinky guy?!" I pouted as she dreamily reminisce her feelings for Wei Xiu.

"He's....a good man and a handsome m-man. Uhm...he's also good at everything and...I remember when I first arrived here I was too shy" she trailed off and I almost get off the bed then I urged her to continued.

"Uhm...he showed me the w-way and he...he told me good luck and s-smiled! Ah! Everytime I think of his gentle smile, I'm always reminded of the princes I've read on fairy tales!" She said with a foolish grin on her face while mine looked like I just stepped on a poop.

A very large one.

I honestly don't think that he's a prince on a fairy tale rather he's more like one of those villains that looked too ugly.

But then again, in her eyes, Wei Xiu will always be her prince.

But I'm here to save her from this delusion! I'm the only one who can resist the charm of the beast Wei Xiu!

Because of that day, Aifen and I became really close. I've also shared it with Feng Mian and she immediately congratulated me. Turns out I'm the only girl who haven't got her period yet in our "Skewer lover 123 student group"

That's right, because I've introduced them to Uncle Tao's lamb skewers, they've become a fan of it and in the next Wednesday, we will eat there again.


Some meat!

My period will stop at Wednesday because I got my period on Wednesday, this week. My told mother told me to avoid red meat if I'm on my period so thankfully, I'm on my last day in that special day!

"You should really tow down eating sugar or else you might have sugar crash" Feng Mian said as she looked at my food.

Well, I have a chocolate bar with me and a chocolate drink coupled with chocolate snacks and chocolate candy

Woops, I think when women menstruates, they also eat a large intake of food and prefer sweets, or is it just me?

"You don't eat too much chocolate before...why are you eating too much now?" Wei Xiu asked and I was about to reply that I have my period when Feng Mian slapped my mouth with her hand.

"She's just craving for it, she told me an hour before" she smiled as she glanced at me with her spear like eyes.

I can only swallow down my food and smiled at Wei Xiu before chugging my chocolate drink. Let's just listen to Feng Mian now or else she might skin me.

I didn't notice Wei Xiu looking at me with his deep eyes and before I could see it, Ming Chen decided to anger Feng Mian again.

As always.

"Feng-er, why don't you try this-"

"Don't call me Feng-er" she said with a cold tone.

"Aww, fine Feng-er, I'll let you off today" Ming Chen grinned at Feng Mian provoking her to jab him straight on his stomach.

"Serves you right pervert!" She shouted, her voice reverberating to the open area of the rooftop as we hollered in laughter.

These two are really an interesting pair!

Hi people! It's not too hot here in this place if mine but it's not definitely cold in here. So yep, I wanted to thank you for your reads even though it's still a short amount, I'm truly grateful.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter and stay safe as always people!


Thank you!

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