Chapter 16 - Unleashed

Start from the beginning


"Allegra! Allegra, you here?!"

Dean burst through Bobby's front door, with Sam following close behind. 

"Dean, come on, you're overreacting!"

He ignored his little brother. Something was wrong. He felt it in his bones. Bobby rose from behind his desk as soon as the Winchesters barged in his home.

"The hell's the matter now?" he asked gruffly.

"You seen Allegra?" inquired Dean.

"No, she still hasn't come back here. Why, what happened?"

"You tell him," Dean told Sam. "I'll check upstairs."

He left the pair in the living room and ran through the hall and up the stairs to Allegra's room. Dean pushed the door open and felt his heart sink when he saw she wasn't there. 

"Allegra! Please, I just want to know you're safe! Please just let me know something!"

But all stayed quiet. Dean dragged his hand through his hair, racking his mind over what might have happened. They agreed that he, Sam, and Castiel would go after Balthazar, the angel who stole the Staff, whilst Allegra would try to get the remaining pieces and fix the weapon so Castiel could take it back up. They would meet afterward, but she hadn't shown up at the rendezvous spot. Sam shrugged it off, but Dean didn't accept that she just up and left again. She promised Dean she would come. She promised to say goodbye.

"Cas!" Dean yelled up to the ceiling. "Get your ass down here right now, you son of a bitch!"

He stormed back downstairs to find Sam slouching on the couch.

"Dude, at least pretend to care!" he barked at him.

"Will you relax already? It's not the first time Allegra bailed on us. She's probably out trying to fix that Staff with Cas. Why do you care so much anyway? I thought you two were fighting?"

"If you're not gonna say anything useful, then you shut your damn pie hole."

Sam shrugged at his brother's comment. Dean shot him an incomprehensible and very annoyed glare. He didn't care about Castiel basically torturing a kid to get the info on who sold him the Staff, and now he didn't care about finding Allegra. What the hell was wrong with him? 
The phone rang, and Bobby picked up.

"Hello, special agent... Jody? Wow, wow, slow down. What's going on?"

His eyes widened.

"Where? Got it, thanks, Jody, I owe ya one." Bobby disconnected the call and turned to the Winchesters. "That was Sheriff Mills. A town in Montana near the Stillwater River is completely surrounded by wildfire. No one can get in or out. It's completely cut off."

"Yeah, and?" asked Dean impatiently.

He wanted to find out what the heck had happened to Allegra, not go to Montana to help in a seemingly lost cause.

"And, smartass, before the wildfire appeared out of nowhere, reports came in that the river had a funny lookin' brown-red color. Like blood."

Dean froze. Sam sat up straight, suddenly interested at what was going on.

"Allegra told Jody and me that she made it clear to Castiel she didn't want to use the plagues anymore like she had before," continued Bobby. "But she didn't trust him, nor any of the other angels. So she warned us both to look out for the signs just in case those bastards did make her do something against her will. The wildfire, that's how they keep people from leaving the town she's in. It's how your daddy and I got trapped all those years ago when we met her. To the rest of the world, it just looks like an out-of-control fire, but to everyone on the inside..."

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