Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Fine, let's go, Maestro," he says, and I slowly push myself off the table.

I gasp in pain as lightning shoots through me and my body crumbles to the floor and I clench my teeth in pain. Two hands grab me and pull me up, one much rougher than the other. I am yanked out of the room and eventually thrown back into my cell.

The next morning, I am awoken before everyone else and taken back to the medical wing of the building. I doze in and out as I wait to be prepped for surgery. I'm not even fazed when I am pulled onto a bed and stabbed with a needle. Waking up later on my head feels numb on the sides and my hearing is quiet. The bright lights hurt my eyes and I go to cover them, but my arms are pinned down.

"Maestro?" A voice asks me, and I don't respond.

"Faith?" A softer voice asks me, and I pry my eyes open and see the Doc hovering over me.

"Ahhh," I mumble out trying to make a coherent sentence.

"Can you hear me?"

"Barely, why is everything so quiet?" I ask confused.

"Your new earpieces are turned off, when you are feeling better, we will turn it back on," she says.

I don't respond to her because I don't have anything to say. Everything for the next few days seems to pass in a blur and I slowly start losing track of time. I spend a lot of time sleeping because of the surgery but also because of the rest of the physical and emotional damage I have already endured since I have arrived. Orion's words keep slipping through my mind when I am awake, this is a goodbye, a goodbye to this Faith. Would I change that much? I probably would and that makes me uneasy but what did it matter in the grand scheme of things? I have one mission right now, to get these kids out of here and get them the help that they need.

By the time a week and a half have passed I am eating and sleeping normally again, and it is time to have my earpiece turned on and for me to go back to a normal routine. The doc comes into the room accompanied by multiple guards and I hide my unease behind a blank mask and keep my gaze across the room away from them. The Doc guides me in how to turn on my earpiece and I am shocked instantly at how loud everything becomes, but also how clear it is. I can hear every single person breathing so distinctly that it makes me annoyed at the sound.

"Is it working?" She asks me in her monotone voice.

"Yes, I can hear everything normally again, everything is clearer as well," I comment, and she nods and writes that down.

"We've gotten much better technology in the last five years," she says, and I shrug.

I am taken back to my cell by two guards and as they start leaving, I hear an ear-piercing shriek down the hall. I can't decipher the gender, but I know it is a child. My stomach churns violently as I stare at the open cell door, they rushed off so quickly they forgot to close it. Peering my head out I close my eyes and listen. There are two racing hearts and the sound of something being hit strikes me.

Stay in your cell Faith. Don't be the hero, it's not your job, you have a mission to keep with. But my body has a mind of it of its own and I am down the hall in an instant. My heart lurches into its throat as I see a little boy, no older than eleven years old, being beaten to a bloody pulp. Adrenaline pushes through my veins, but I calm my body as I turn off my earpiece and let out an unearthly screech. The boy is knocked out cold and so is everyone else. Faint trickles of blood trail from their ears but I just turn around and try to leave. As I am almost back to my cell, I see the General waiting for me.

"Oh Maestro, have you forgotten the number one rule of being in this camp?" He asks me and my jaw clenches.

"Every man for themselves," I seethe as my arms are pinned by my sides and I am forced to my knees.

"You should have just stayed put," the commander says with a wicked glint in his eye.

"Who broke you so badly that you destroy children for fun?" I spit out not able to control my tongue anymore.

"I am who I am, the reasons are none of your concern," he says.

"Let's remind Maestro of her place, but don't break her fingers, she needs to play for us tomorrow," he says, and the first blow is to my head.

You should have stayed in your damn cell, you idiot! We are just starting to heal, and you go and get yourself beaten into the next century again. How are we ever going to execute this damn plan of yours if you are always beaten and broken! You are such a dumbass sometimes and now I have to protect you.

Orion will be displeased with your reckless behavior, but you never cared for his opinion anyway because you know he loves you like the only family he has ever had. Can't you be more careful, for him? For Ruka and Dax that are looking for you as we speak? For all the friends you left behind? For your future? 

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