Chapter 14 :" A Friend In Need "

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Gauri wanted to be angry with him , he broken his word to her by drinking which led her get lost in unfamiliar face and if not for the strangers help she wouldn't have made it back safe and then he walked inside his new room without even a hint of apology.

At times she honestly doesn't have an idea on how to deal with Arun , they both have a separate life which only intersect for Rahul or if she was in trouble . Usually Arun had been the one who helps her be it her nightmares ,her panic attack ,or her violent behaviour .

And he never once judged her for them , that she didn't want to judge Arun one mishap against him when there had been countless times he overcame his need to drink . But she didn't know how to help him ,for Gauri usually privacy works and Arun had provided it for her .

Every time she was down or upset he will simply make himself scarce until she finds herself better to be around someone else . But she have no idea how to help Arun .

As she stared at her sleeping son willing him to tell her how to help his father,she finally stumbled upon the idea as she gathered her son into her arms and walked towards Arun room .

The sight before her came as a shock as she opened his room to see him holding a wine bottle in his hand , apparently it wasn't a one time occurance anymore . The fact today was the day he lost his family wasn't something Gauri forgot but still she couldn't see herself living with him if he fall back to his old habits .

" It your night to look after Rahul , I am going to sleep , " Gauri answered back,  as she took the wine bottle from his hand and placed Rahul in his arms . The mother in her wouldn't have been able to leave the room if she hadn't seen the fact that bottle hadn't been opened yet .

As she walked back to her room ,she remembered the first memory of Arun being a father . It was after the doctors handed over Rahul sonogram he saw the depth of love in his eyes for the child which wasn't born yet .

    He had made copies of the picture and gave one to Gauri and kept one for himself , few months later she had found the picture framed and place in his office desk right next to his family portrait .

     It was at that point she began to believe he was invested in their unborn child as much as her and after Rahul was born , he had been a doting father all the time that she knew he will never do anything that could possibly harm her son .

Her son had been the reason she learnt to live again even if it involves nightmare,panic attacks and her unwilling mind to be at ease with strangers . She derived the strength to withstand her deepest sorrow to be good parent to Rahul and that he shouldn't lack anything in life .

And she believed Arun can do the same as well because most often being a parent enables us to put the good for the child before ourselves and she believed Arun needed a reminder that he wasn't alone in the world anymore and that he has a son to live for and protect.


Arun had been taken back by Gauri decision to entrust Rahul into his hands when just 24 hours ago, his hand held something she despises the most. After waking up to find her gone, he feared the worst and the knowledge Gauri would be able to put Rahul welfare above his betrayal had been the reason he waited at the hospital for her .

  But when she refused to let him hold Rahul in the hospital ,he realized she didnt trust him anymore. And he regretted that by giving up for a single moment in despair he almost lost his second chance at family. Being unable to hold his son felt like the cruelest punishment and the fact he deserved it made the sentence much more harder to bear as they drove back to the hotel 

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