Chapter 3 :" Marriage "

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One Month Later ..

She was getting married today , a day that was supposed to be filled with laughter was filled with silence from her parents who fail to see how she could agree to marry a stranger ,from her brother who looked simply confused and from her brother in law who looked angry at her arrival in his life .

It has been one month since she met Arun ,and in this one month she had realized his solution would suit her just fine because he was a stranger ,he won't look at her with worry as her parents ,he won't be heart broken by her pain . To him ,she was a stranger as well .

After that night ,no one told her how hard it will be to survive every single day , for the first five days she hoped the nightmares would stop but it didn't , the next ten days she hoped her parents would stop looking at her with sadness it didn't , fifteen days later she hoped her brother won't be scared of her but he was still scared of her and by the end of a month she was done hoping that it will get better .

So when she cut her hand ,it was a subconscious act to make it all stop ,her family concern and her nightmares . The psychologist she visited daily told her that what she went through won't disappear in matter of days but it will get better each passing day but it didn't not even one bit ,every day was repeat of yesterday .

But most of all the reason she decided to end her life had stemmed from the fact ,she didn't want to face the world . She can take her family worry but she didn't feel like she could walk out of her home without losing her mind ,she didn't want to face anyone else including her best friend Lavanya ,who may be not so good at reading people but  can read her like a book if she just saw her in this state. 

Deep down she knew that she can't stay hidden forever and the fear that someday she have to face everyone again scared her ,most of all she was scared to face him ,  Arnav Khanna , the man she loves deeply and the man who broke her heart when he walked away from her life 

Arnav Khanna ,the man who loved her until he didn't and yet she knew if he arrives back home and learns it has been a month since his sister or cousin talked with her ,then he will take it on himself to find her . She didn't want to see him because she can't lie to him about anything .

Those fears may have been irrational or could have been avoided she had a family who listened to all her demands ,they would have let her remain hidden however long it took for her to recover but sometime fears didn't understand reason . So she decided to end her life before facing him . 

When she woke up alive in am hospital bed ,she decided to try again . A month later she wondered how she could have been that stupid to think dying was the solution when it would have devastated her family and him . She knew that but the reason that made her want to live had nothing to with them,  but everything to do with her baby .

When doctors told her ,she was pregnant. She knew deep down it was a scarier prospect , there would be questions like who was the father and there would be people who look down on her. But her family would support her ,she knew that they will help her raise the baby and that what they suggested when they heard the news.

They were willing to move town to make sure Gauri got a fresh start ,her father was DCP and he was willing to transfer from his post of importance for her , her mother had been working as an interior designer on her own but for the last two months she didn't take any new clients for her,  because of her but the real reason she couldn't ask them to move was because of her brother ,Ishaan Singhania . 

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