Throwing a Party for Reading

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Are you excited for season 3 of Legacies?

I wake up to the sound of Klaus barking orders and people in the compound. Hayley has the kids spending time with Grandma Mary as we try and figure out this Hollow situation. I walk down the stairs to seeing people throwing up decorations everywhere in our rundown home. "What the hell is this?" I ask Klaus who is smiling.

"It's a party darling."

"I can see that but why? We're supposed to head out."

"Well, now we're throwing a party. One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures."

"But everyone hates you." I remind him.

"But they love Marcel, and as the invite states, he is the cohost. Tonight we celebrate our truce."

"So you're throwing a fake party in honor of a fake truce, and your guest of honor is in the dungeon." I point out to him.

"Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters. Besides, we'll have our hand's full weeding out those in league with The Hollow."


"Yes, we. Darling. I'm throwing a party without introducing the city to my wife."

"You want me there to track down the followers."

"Well, that would be wonderful."

"Nik this doesn't seem smart. A party after you just got purified."

"Which is why I'm tracking down the followers."

"And what will you do when you find them? From the ones we've encountered none of them are against being killed. The Hollow wants sacrifice and...either we give it or the followers will."

"This will work Sofia. I know it will."

"I guess I need to go shopping."

"Anything you will find will make people's heads turn."

"The kids keep asking for you."

"I'm doing this for them."

"Hope is wanting to know when you and she will paint again together."

"When this enemy is vanquished I will be with my children again."

"You could be with them now. Henry is always asking for you when I call and check on them. You could tell them that everything is alright."

"Please help me with this party and things will be okay."

"I feel like you're trying to prove something to these people that you don't need. Our family needs you and this is..." I look to the exquisite party set up.

"This is how we keep our family safe."

"Nik, I've been getting this bad feeling ever since that night you came back."

"The Hollow is gone."

"I fear this is only the beginning. More is to come and I don't know if we will survive this."

"Have no fear my love. We will always prevail." Klaus kisses the top of my head and leaves me standing in the rundown compound of our family home. I look around and see all of the places Hope took her first steps. Where she said mama for the first time. All of the memories of our family are filled in this city. This home all of the good and the bad.

The party is packed when I make my entrance. I know everyone is staring at me as I look for my husband. "My love if I had known you were dressing like this I would never have let anyone lay eyes on you." Klaus whispers into my ear.

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