Let's Start with Forever

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I loved this chapter. I hope you all do too.

"Mamma I want that!!" Henry is as eager as the girls to have a face mask on his face.

"Mamma me first!" Hope whines and I kiss my children.

"You sure you wanted to have your last night as an unmarried woman doing this?" Caroline asks me.

"I couldn't think of a better way." Henry hugs me as I put the face mask on him.

"Popcorn is ready!" Elena calls out and the babies go running. They're favorite person changes depending on who has food.

"Yay!!!" Josie and Lizzie are jumping with excitement and Henry mimic them.

"Here are juices for the kiddos and..." Bonnie smirks at us. "Grown-up juice for us."

"Hell yes." I state and my children judge me.


"I will put a dollar in the swear drawer."

"Swear drawer?" Elena asks me raising her brow.

"It's a long story."

"No, it's not. You've turned into a mom." She jokes with me.

"Obviously Elena. Obviously." I point to my two children.

"Trust me she says a lot more than that." Hayley jokes and I throw popcorn at her. "You drop the F-bomb a  lot. I was afraid Hope's first word would be that."

"Then it shouldn't be  a perfect word for every mood." I defend my actions.

"Swearing is the least of the children's problems." Rebekah jumps in. "Nik is definitely not the best role model. With the killing and all."

"Killing?" Henry asks and I eye Rebekah.

"You know my little munchkin let's get you something to eat."

"It's not the worst thing he can learn at five years old." Freya states and I shake my head.

"He should be learning about his favorite foods, movies, and anything else a five-year-old should. Killing is not one of the topics."

"Maybe in normal families." Freya, Rebekah, and Hayley can't stop laughing.

"Okay let's watch the movie." I change the subject.

"Which movie is it again?" Bonnie asks as Hope snuggles into her.

"Parent Trap." I answer with a smile.

"You love that movie."

"Hence why we're watching it."

"Remember when we tried to do that to mom and dad?" Elena reminds me and we all laugh and the kids look at us like we're crazy.

"We had everything planned out to go to an amusement park even though mom and dad said no. We thought we fooled them but that's when..."

"That's when Lenny and I realized we're not identical. Our parents knew the whole time and mom was on the phone with Aunt Jenna laughing her ass off."

"We tried to cut our hair like each other and..."

"I was shorter than Elena and...my dad called me by my name and I was pretending to be Elena and I totally forgot."

"You both sucked lying as children." Caroline exclaims to us.

"But we definitely got better at it."

"You two were that dumb to not realize you're not identical?" Rebekah is no short of jabs tonight but it's what makes us love her.

"We knew Bekah but...we were a little slow about it." I defend our actions as children.

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