Closer to the Heart

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I am so excited for you all to read what I have planned. Some may disappointed but I hope you all will like it in the end. Please enjoy this long chapter and tell me what you think.

We freed the Mikaelson's and the first item of business was getting their full strength back. Luckily for us, a bus full of prisoners passed by and they were able to feast to their heart's content. I had no idea feeding would turn into the chase and kill game but that's the family I'm marrying into. One inmate just won't stop screaming even with Kol sucking him dry. "Good Lord, that one has some lungs on him. He should've been an opera singer." Rebekah throws her last meal down to the ground. "Might've ended better for him."

"Was this absolutely necessary?" Freya is not amused with the bloodshed.

"That depends. Do you want us at our full strength, or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own?" Rebekah asks her sister.

"Well, death rattles re distracting, and Sofia and I are trying to break a cloaking spell."

"Kol, would you please!" Elijah calls out to his brother in the woods. A crunching sound can be heard and the man stops screaming.

"You guys are a bunch of sadistic sons of bitches." I comment to Elijah who just nods his head as he politely wipes the blood from his face with a handkerchief.

"Thank you. You were saying?"

"Since you've all been asleep I've always sensed Klaus is still in New Orleans. Most likely somewhere underground." I explain to everyone. "I can't get a definite answer unless if I go to the source. We have to go to the city for Freya and me to pinpoint where Nik is." I state to them knowing the last part will be hard to execute.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a problem." Hayley reminds me. "I have contacts in New Orleans. As you can imagine, the place is crawling with vampires, all of whom hate all of us. Whatever we do, we need to do it fast."

"Well, I wasn't thinking a pup crawl. I don't want to stay any longer than we have to. But we need to go." Freya orders.

"Whoa...wait...wait. We're not doing this today?" Kol asks us in a panic.

"And why the hell not?" I demand from him.

"Hasn't Nik suffered enough?" Rebekah asks her brother.

"Yes. And I've died. Twice. I'm not about to give Marcel a shot a third."

"Calm down drama queen!" I yell at Kol. "I've died twice but I'm still going to risk it all to bring Nik back."

"As wonderful as it is bonding with you Sofia. I say we draw that Muppet out of town. And when he's gone..."

"I have been away from my children long enough Kol. If you're afraid please feel free to..."

"It's called being sensible."Kol interrupts me. "Until Freya can make enough cure with her werewolf hostage, Marcel can basically chew through our bloody throats."

"Enough." Elijah silences us all. "We're all in danger." He gets up slowly. "We free Niklaus today. Even if I have to burn that city to the ground."

"Man up Kol you're acting worse than my five-year-old."

Klaus' POV

"My love, what did I say about provoking him?" I feel her presence even if I know she's not really here. Her soft hands as they try to tend to my wound in my chest from Papa Tunde's blade.


"Well...a figment of your imagination, remember?" I look up and there is my beautiful Sofia smiling back at me. Even if she's not real it's wonderful to envision her. "You really like me in the color red." She looks down at the dress and smiles.

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