Transferring Power

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Thank you for the constant support. I hope you all love this chapter.

It took me twice as long to make it home after siphoning The Hollow's magic. I've never felt this surge of power in my life and to a point, it feels too much. It feels like at any moment I will crumble to the ground in fear of passing out. I have to make it home and be with my family. I have to make it home.

I walk through the compound trying to make it past Klaus without him noticing me. I need to have an easy night. I slip into my children's bedroom smiling as they are curled next to each other. I slip my shoes off and crawl into bed with my sweet babies. "Mama?" Hope mutters as I pull them close to my chest.

"Shh baby...sleep now." I order her and she snuggles closer to my chest. "Sleep tight, my angels."

"Mama, why are we doing this?" Hope asks as we walk through New Orleans.

"I wanted to spend a day with my wonderful children." I state as I walk them up to a booth to look at handmade crafts.

"Look at that mama!" Henry points to a cart full of candy.

"Just a little." I lead my children to the sweets and buy them what their hearts desire.

"You never do this mama." Hope eats her sweet treat with a smile on her face.

"I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of both of you. Being your mother has made me the happiest person in this world."

"Mama are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine baby. I just wanted you both to know how much you are loved."

"Mama Uncle Elijah is fine. Our family is safe there is nothing to worry about." Hope assures me.

"I know that baby." I hold both of my children's hands. "I just want you both to always remember that life is full of darkness and hardships but when you surround yourself with those who love you most all of that is bearable."

"Like you and dad have?" Henry asks.

"Like your father and I have." I kiss my children's cheeks lingering a little more than normal. "Love is more powerful than fear. Never let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Is everything going to be okay mama?"

"Yes, darling. You're both going to live full and happy lives. You're going to make mistakes and learn from them. You're going to have epic loves and above all else, you're going to be there for each other."

Klaus' POV

Marcel has this outrageous idea that The Hollow is still alive because his girlfriend woke up and believes she still feels The Hollow's presence. Elijah and I go early to visit Vincent to get information from the man who's closest to The Hollow. "Impossible," I yell at him. "Whatever those thieving acolytes are up to, they function independently of The Hollow. Hayley killed her, I saw the corpse through my own eyes."

"Her body is dead, Klaus. That's not enough." Vincent exclaims to me.

"What are you saying?" Elijah questions him.

"I'm saying that by now, the Ancestors should've been able to imprison her spirit. That didn't happen. The spirit's still out there. So she must have had a plan B." Vincent explains to us.

"No doubt. Perhaps they had assistance. Tell me...were you a part of it?" I question him.

"Oh, come on, man."

"Hey, back off. All right look, I trust Vincent." Marcel defends him.

"Look, I don't care if...I don't care if any of you trust me, to be perfectly honest. Because unlike all of you, I have been doing something. I've been spending the past couple of days trying to figure out a way to lock The Hollow up for good."

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