To the Bayou and Back

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Who would you like Sofia to become friends with or develop a good or bad relationship with in the future?

"I heard you were successful in mentoring young Davina." Klaus says as he sketches and I get ready for bed.

"She just needed some encouragement. She's just a girl like me, Klaus."

"I can assure you that there is no one like you my love." He smiles at me.

"She's a few years younger than me and...she's been through so much and has so much power. More than she can handle."

"You are nothing like her Sofia."

"But aren't I? My family has turned their back on me and people see me only for power. Even if we fell in love you too once said I would be a great addition because of my magic."

"I was a different man than I..."

"It's okay to admit you wanted to use me, Klaus. I understand but I also feel sorry for Davina and everything she is going through."

"And that is why I know you will be a great mother."

"Because I worry for others?"

"Because you have a heart of pure gold. You are the angle I have always wanted to save me." He leans over and kisses my hand.

"Davina unlinked Sophie from Hayley, but Nik...I fear we're not out of trouble."

"What do you mean?" I move into our bed and I just freeze thinking about the vision I had.

"Since coming into this town I've been seeing things."

"What kinds of things?"

"Lots of death and despair." I look at Klaus and his face falls. "I fear our child and our family we are trying to make will never be safe."

"I will protect you from any harm."

"And who will protect you?"

"I am immortal love. I cannot be killed nor do I fear anything." He says confidently but I know he's hiding behind the fear of being alone and no one loving him.

"I love you Nik but this town is filled with more darkness than Mystic Falls ever was. I thought we were going to travel the world and have adventures, but all it seems we have is worry for the safety of our child."

"Are you wanting to give up?" This question shocks me.


"I will protect our child but you deserve to live the life I promised you..."

"Klaus." I stop him and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "I'm not leaving you now or ever. I plan to do everything in my power to make our love last and passed down to our child. Together we can get through everything."

"Your optimism is inspiring my love."

"This town will be the death of us." I say as I scoot closer to him in our bed.

"I will never allow any harm to come to you." He kisses my forehead.

"We can't make such promises."

"Unlike most, I am a man who keeps my word."

Somehow Hayley went missing from our home without anyone noticing. Klaus and I thought she was asleep when we got home but when we called for her she never showed. Panic sets in as I realize the woman carrying my child is gone and I have no idea where she could be. Klaus is fearing the worse that Marcel did something and took her. He and Elijah went to check but our fears only worsened as Marcel admitted to saying hi to Hayley at the house but he never laid a hand on her. For some reason, Klaus and Elijah believe him and now I'm frantically scarring over the house to get things together for a location spell on Hayley's whereabouts. I now fear she ran away with my child in her due to fear for her own life and I am terrified she will be harmed or not found and my child lost forever. Elijah drags the witch Sabine back to the house and I want to kill her for the dumb prophecy she has on my child.

Always and Forever ~2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora