Revenge Part 3

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I hope you all enjoy the next few chapters. I've been thinking of how to write this for a while and I hope you all like it.

I was always told to hold onto my humanity as it was the very thing that made me strong. To never let it go no matter what darkness faced my life. It felt like it was all a dream but as I wake I'm faced with my reality. "Hello? Where am I? Hello, I need help."

"No one can help you." I stop dead in my walk hearing a voice that I shouldn't hear. I slowly turn and face myself. Another version of me tilts her head at me. "What's wrong dear? It's like you don't recognize yourself." I smirk at me and I now understand what Elena felt seeing Katherine all this time. It's eerie seeing your showdown self.

"Are you my doppelganger?"

"On the contrary Sofia. I am you."

"What..." She kneels in front of me and makes me scoot back.

"I'm the part of you that you keep locked away because you know having me out in the open would be wrong."

"Get away from me." I try running but nothing happens. It's like I can't even move.

"Why? Don't you want to embrace me?" This mirror image of myself asks.

"You're nothing like me."

"But I am. All of the times you wanted to kill people for wronging you I was the one ready to do it but you always pushed me away in favor of doing what you thought was right. If you embraced me you would have been happier."

"I'm fine. I need to get out of here." I try running again but this time she pushes me against a wall.

"You can't escape your own mind."


"You're here but I'm about to be free." She raises her hand. "Now it's time for you to sleep." I fall back into a deep hole where nothing but darkness envelops me.

"Good you're awake." Sabine or Celeste says as she circles me.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"I need you to do something for me."

"And why would I do anything for you? You and the other witches have done nothing but harm me."

"Well for one you have no choice." She clenches her hand and I fall to my knees gripping my head.

"What are you doing?" I gasp as the pain increases.

"You will submit to our orders or you will die." I raise my hand and fight back and this shocks her.

"And what happens if you die? Just jump into another body?" I tilt my head watching as she no longer feels so confident.

"Do us this one favor and then we will leave you alone."

"And I believe nothing you say."

"I can help you kill Klaus Mikaelson." This peaks my interest. "I know you've been hidden behind your pure angle persona but now it's time for the devil to come forward."

"And what makes you think I want to kill Klaus?"

"Because he is the one person who will do everything in his power to bring back his Sofia. Thus leaving you back as just the subconscious of Sofia Gilbert. Always telling her what she should do but she always goes against your advice. Keeping you alone."

"And what will you gain if I kill him?"

"Freedom from all vampires. The witches will rule and you can be our leader."

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