Afterlife or Hell

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So here is a brief explanation for what happened to Sofia and where the direction the book is going. I hope you enjoy this update.

3rd POV

Since the death of Sofia Gilbert at the hands of the love of her life everything in New Orleans changed. The city had its darkness but since that fateful night, everything has turned into despair. Klaus hated to admit it to anyone but Sofia but he didn't know how to survive without her. She was this happiness he never knew he could have in his life but now he's the cause of his own hell. The love of his life was killed at his own hands and the only thing he can do is drink and kill his way through the pain. "Niklaus this is enough." Elijah says as he rips his brother off the dead corpse he drained the life from.

"Enough of this Elijah. This is my natural state." Klaus raises his arms to his brother not having a care in the world.

"I know you are in pain. I..."

"NO!" Klaus points his finger. "You have no idea what I am going through. Her blood will always be on my hands and..." Klaus punches a wall making a hole into it and his knuckles to bleed. "She is gone because of me and I will never be whole again."

"She would not want you to be like this."

"SHE WOULD ALSO HAVE LIKED THAT I DIDN'T KILL HER!" He shouts shaking with anger.

"She deserves more."

"And right you are brother. I killed her because I was blinded by my rage for Rebekah I didn't notice her stepping in front to protect our sister. I killed her and there's nothing I can do to take it back."

"She will be at peace and the witches..."

"Like I believe their lies."

"They could bring her back." This perks Klaus' interest.

"What are you saying?"

"Like how we consecrated mother as a New Orleans witch we could do the same to Sofia and with the help from our new allies we could bring her back."

"And you know a witch who could do it?"

"I know a few. Davina Claire is back from the dead and so are the other Harvest Girls. They have the power to do almost anything."

"Then what are we waiting for let's get back my girl."

It was unsettling for everyone to watch the witches ready the ceremony to resurrect Sofia Gilbert. Klaus couldn't even look at the love of his life as she lay there motionless and pale. She was once full of life and now she is nothing but a cold corpse. "Get on with it! We don't have all day."

"Consecrating someone who is not part of our bloodline is no easy task." Genevieve says as she continues to prepare the ceremony.

"I would hurry it along or more of you will join my love in death."

"Threats will get you nowhere."

"Then you've never been threatened by me!"

"Brother let them work." Elijah interjects. The New Orleans witches lay everything out and Klaus even gives them Sofia's violin as a personal artifact.

"How will we know if this works?"

"Once the ceremony is complete we should feel her power flow into the Earth and we will then be able to communicate with her and bring her back from the dead."

"Then what's taking so long?"

"She's not a native witch. It's harder..."

"You consecrated my mother just fine."

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