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Rey kept looking at her hands. She looked at them in the same way she would look at a murderer.
"I lost control." She had been in this position, stood looking at her hands since she got on the ship. I had been sitting nearby, eyes closed and trying to meditate. There had been a time when Ben and I had an argument, it wasn't even that really it was a stupid comment that got bigger and bigger. When I finally couldn't take it anymore I had screamed at him and thrown him into a tree. Ben didn't have a scratch on him but I was so horrified I consulted Master Luke. He had been in a state of meditation, and I had been pacing in front of him, ranting. He replied with the same thing I now told Rey.
"Sit down Rey. Meditate." Like I had once done, she ignored me. Fin began talking to Rey, saying how it had been 'Ren' that made her do it. That wasn't true. It had been completely Rey's fault, she had lost control, not listened to someone who was trying to teach her, and she had released force lightning. What she needed to do now was meditate. Rey announced that Chewie was gone. If she listened to me, then she would understand.

As her teacher, someone that guides her, I could have told her. I could have told her I sensed Chewie's life force, meaning she hadn't just exploded the wookie. However, she continued to ignore me, and as Luke often said, sometimes the lesson is worth the hardship. If I told Rey now, she wouldn't understand what I was trying to teach her, that sometimes she needed to listen.

She told Fin about a vision she had. The throne of the Sith, occupied by both Ren and her. What I was curious about was where I was in this vision. I reserved myself to thinking that it would be better if I wasn't in this vision, but Rey turned to me, adding that I was slain by her feet. Curious vision. Interpreting visions was something I hated. They didn't always come through in the way you expected and I found most were best left ignored. This was one of them.
"It's best if you meditate." I told her, then closed my eyes to shut off the world around me. Until Rey meditated, she would have no hope of thinking about the vision.

When it came to finding someone to help C3PO, we determined that the best course of action would be for me to guard. Worst case scenario I'm a distraction until I'm caught and brought to Ben, best case, some troopers get killed and we get away free.

This plan came in handy when Poe's old friends surrounded us. I stepped towards the main woman, admiring her armour. Slowly, I removed the hood from the cloak I stole, smiling at her, before telling her to lead us to Babu Frik, monotonously, she repeated what I had said and began to walk off. All of her friends that had cornered us fell to the floor as I twisted my hand slightly. It was as easy as snapping my fingers.
"I knew we kept you around for a reason Kenobi, and not just to lure out old Ren." Poe said, patting my shoulder before walking away. I followed behind, lightsaber in hand, ready to activate it.

As everyone else went in to see the guy who could get the location out of C3PO, I stayed outside. It was snowing. "Look Ben! Snow!" I shouted, running outside and watching my footprints appear behind me. Ben was standing at the door, not moving to come out, a frown on his face. Leia and Han were still asleep, but I had woken up Ben the moment I saw the snow. At this point, I hadn't been with Leia and Han for very long, and they were on a business trip to a planet I couldn't pronounce. Yesterday, when we arrived at where we would be staying, the ground was normal, and now it was coated in white. "It's not that amazing, Lowla." At his words, I realised that he had probably seen snow a lot, that it wasn't as fun as I found it. At his words, my happiness drained and I looked down. I hated being reminded of things I hadn't seen, on things I had missed out on. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Ben had made his way out to me, his frown now replaced with a sorry smile. His eyes suddenly lit up as he pulled me into the centre of the garden area. Then he used the force to throw a large amount of snow in the air, letting it fall in small flakes. As the cold flakes hit my nose, I began to run around in them, dancing around as my clothes absorbed the moisture.We had stayed outside for hours playing, and when we came back in, our noses were blue and we could barely feel our hands. Leia had scolded us for going outside so poorly dressed but we just giggled to each other. Then, when she had gone to make us warm drinks, we fell asleep. Leia came back in to see me asleep on Ben's shoulder, his head resting on mine. Watching the snow fall now was exactly like that. I just wanted to admire it, wanted to stand here and watch the flakes float down, painting everything white. Or to spin around, looking at the sky as the cold coated my eyelashes. I reached out to Ben, not caring what he was doing. I didn't expect to get through, thinking I'd be blocked again by Palpatine but I wasn't. In fact, for the first time in weeks, I got straight through, felt him open his mind to me straight away and before long he was standing in front of me. From his hair, I knew he had just taken his helmet off: it was messy, out of place. He stepped forward, lifting the hood of my cloak back slightly so he could see my face more. "It's snowing." He stated, seeing the snow appear on my clothes as we spoke. I nodded to him, not knowing what to say. I hadn't expected to be able to talk to him, so I had no idea what to say. "Your nose is going blue." He added. Although I had tried to ignore it, I was freezing. I could no longer fully operate my hands as I couldn't feel my fingers, making my movements slow. My nose was simply ice, no longer a feature on my face. "Like the first time." I told him, thinking about the first time I had seen snow. "You were so happy." He said, stepping closer to me. I nodded to him, agreeing. Ben then rested his head on mine, looking down at me with a face of longing. Then, his eyes filled with something different, like he was thinking of something, and wasn't sure if he could do it. I raised my eyebrow at him. Whatever Ben was thinking didn't fill me with fear. I wasn't scared of Ben, not even with his ridiculous outfit on, not when he hid behind his helmet. "Do you trust me?" Ben asked, looking into my eyes, waiting for my reply. I considered it. Han had trusted him and he had received a saber slicing through him. But something in me told me Ben would never hurt me. He had killed Snoke instead of having to kill me. Back in the forest, he had watched me kneel and drop my weapon, and he had frozen. He couldn't kill me. "With my life." I replied, and then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. The force he used broke our bond. Instead of feeling the biting cold, I felt arms still wrapped around me. I looked up to find him staring down at me, a look of shock at the fact it had worked. Like when you passed objects through the force bond, he had managed to pull me through the bond and to him. I had no idea where he was in the galaxy but now I was standing on his ship, aboard his destroyer. "I have to go, but please, stay here." He told me, running towards the door. Aboard his destroyer, there was nowhere else to go. In this room, I wasn't necessarily a prisoner, but the moment I left the room a trooper would view me as a target. I felt that we were near Rey, that Ben hadn't pulled me as far as I had first thought. "Ben, stay with me." I told him, worried that he wouldn;t return, that this was all a trap. In reply, he put his helmet on and left the room. 

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