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Rey noticed I was awake as she ran past me. She stopped for a second, assessing whether I was harmed or not before grabbing my hand. Clearly she had deemed I was fine. When we got outside, I saw we were on a snowy planet, not somewhere you want to be in a ripped dress that was made from a light material.

She stood in front of a large pile of rocks, raising her hand. I focused on where she was looking and felt the crowd stuck behind them, the resistance. I cleared my mind, quicker than I thought I would after hearing everything. I moved the rocks, pushing them away from where they were, giving them enough room to get out before pushing all the rocks to the side, placing them in a neat pile so they wouldn't roll near us.

Opening my eyes, I was greeted by Poe.
"The scar still looks Bad Ass, Lowla." He said, pulling me into a hug. This wasn't like us. But, I assumed that being stuck behind the rocks, feeling like death was imminent only to be saved by myself and Rey could change people. Seeing him now, I did miss him a little, like he was an annoying brother who constantly teased me but the minute he left I missed the silence. Not that I would admit that to him at all.
"Decided against shooting your way out?" I asked him, well aware of his preferred method of escaping any situation.
"Life's boring without the fire power."

A loss, a great peace overcame me. I knew immediately it belonged to Luke, that he was gone. Luke would go down in history as one of the greatest Jedi that ever lived, masters of the force. He was beside Yoda. His father, Anakin Skywalker. Ahsoka Tano. Mace Windu. Qui-Gon Jinn. And my grandfather, Obi Wan Kenobi. I would never be as wise or as skilled as him, but I knew I would spend the rest of my life trying to get somewhere near.

Everyone was running into the falcon, ready to get off the planet. Leia came to my side, taking my hand before leading me towards the falcon. It's like she read my mind, she always read my mind. I wasn't sure if she needed me more if I needed her more. But, as we flew away from the snowy hell, I was grateful for her hand.

She sat beside me and I turned to her. "Did you know? My last name?" I asked her. Leia turned to me, and I couldn't help but see Luke in her. It was clear why they were twins. Leia squeezed my hands."I always knew." She whispered to me, leaning closer. I knew that if I had been told when I was younger, I wouldn't have been ready. It wasn't time then. But now, I was older, my training complete and I was ready to take my place in the galaxy. Telling me any sooner would have put an added pressure on me, wanting to prove to myself I lived up to my name. But now, all I felt was pride when I thought of it. I was proud to be a Kenobi. I was ready to be a Kenobi. Leia then stood, calling the attention of everyone in the room. Immediately, the room quietened and turned to face her, listening intently. "Everyone, I'd like to formally announce my new Vice General." Leia pulled me to stand, looking at me with nothing but hope. "Jedi Master Lowla Kenobi." Her words had sent shocked whispers across the falcon. Cheering, applause. But my eyes were on Leia. I was stunned by her announcement. Flattered. But stunned. She felt I was ready, despite me turning down ranks before. Now, given my title and Luke finishing my training, I knew she felt I deserved it. Leia leant closer to me, ready to whisper in my ear. "And like your grandfather, you're my only hope." Then she pulled away, allowing Fin, Rey and Poe to come and congratulate me and Chewie to lift me into the air to be cheered. My eyes stayed on Leia as I nodded to her. I was her only hope of getting Ben back. I wouldn't let her down.

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