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I was broken from my memories by loud beeping and shouting. Standing from my place in the sand, I ran down the bank, seeing a girl shouting at BB8's captor. The droid saw me running down the dune and he beeped happily at me.
"Are you alright BB8? I asked him, receiving beeps meaning that he was fine. The girl next to me reached forward, noticing that his antenna was bent. She took it off, straightening it out and returning it to him as I silently watched her actions.

When she stood up, I asked her for her name. I could sense the force energy that was running through her, and the raw power that coursed through her veins. It seemed much like the power that I sensed in Ben, which that alone drew me in to the girl.
"I'm Rey. Where do you two come from?" She asked us. I saw that tucked under her arm was a large metal pole from some mechanical vehicle that I knew was her form of a weapon. The girl didn't have any ill intent in her mind and I could feel the trusting nature of her. Rey seemed like a simple girl that led a simple life, but was deep down in need of proper adventure and proper training. If she received even some of the training I had gotten, I knew that she would easily be a Jedi.
"I'm Lowla, this is BB8, resistance." I introduced us, with BB8 interrupting, beeping at the girl that our location was classified. I couldn't help but smile at the droid. By adding in the part about the resistance, she would prove that I could trust her, and she knew the importance of keeping us hidden.
"Really? Me too, big secret." She smiled up to me as well after saying that to BB8.

"You're really with the resistance?" She asked me, and I told her that I am one of the many people in the control room. That wasn't a complete lie. Most of my time was spent training or in the control room looking at various screens and databases about the First Order and their attacks. Something about my connection to Ben meant that any information about an attack that was apprehended came to me and I could find the coordinates and details of the attack within minutes.

While she had been tending to BB8, I made sure that the cloak I was wearing was covering my light saber. Rey seemed to be the same age as me, and didn't show any sign of knowing who I was. To keep it that way, I thought it would be best to keep my very distinct light saber away from her view.

"Well, Niima outpost is that way, and stay away from Kelvin Ridge, keep away from the sinking fields, you'll drown in the sand." Rey instructed, gathering her long staff and the cloth slung over her back.

I stood still, watching as she began to walk away, only for BB8 to move after her. I watched the interaction between them as she guided him to town, but the droid refused to go.
"Can't you take your droid with you?" She asked me. I then looked to her as BB8 turned to me, telling me that it was possible that the town already heard of the First Orders attack, and they may be searching for us. His beeps were quiet, trying to keep the conversation between the two of us.
"Would it be too much trouble for us to stay with you, just for tonight. I can try to contact our base and send for help and transport off this planet by tomorrow." I watched as Rey turned back to where she was heading. I worried that the mysterious girl would say no. I quickly pulled the few coins I have from my pocket and offered them to her as payment for her helping us. Rey nodded her head in the direction she was heading, and BB8 beeped happily as he began to roll away. I handed the girl the money, thanking her graciously.

By the time we reached the shelter the fallen At-At provided, I was in pain. Throughout the entire walk, I had felt his presence. It was like I walked and he was breathing down my neck the entire time. So, when Rey reached her home, I told her that I would be meditating outside. BB8 had been the one to tell her what I would be doing. He told her that I was going to try and reach General Organa, and Rey clearly didn't know anything as she just accepted that and settled herself.

I had sat, floating a small distance above the ground when I closed my eyes. I had expected to feel Ben's force trying to wrap around me, but all I could feel was this new presence that I knew to be Rey. Reaching out with my mind, I saw how easily her thoughts were coming to me, like she was projecting them. I saw a little girl, left alone on this desert wasteland as she learnt what she had to steal from old vehicles to earn her food.

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