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Long time no

What are u doing here yao....said wei surprised and slightly stuttering

       ( Here his name Shen Yao not           Zhan Yao)

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       ( Here his name Shen Yao not           Zhan Yao)

I came to see u......r u not happy seeing me?...asked Yao looking down......sadness can be seen in his beautiful face......

No I didn't mean that.....I never thought u would come to meet me after all the....u know.....said wei , not knowing what he should say to his so called stepbrother.....

I m was not able to say that for a long time.....I wanted to say it but was not having any courage to come and see u......said Yao and tears started to form in his eyes....

Why r u apologizing Didi....u never did anything wrong......every son would react like that....when he sees his father and brother was in a........said wei ....he doesn't want to complete the sentence....

That man is not dad.....I hate him ge....I hate him alot....he forced u to be in one .........said Yao and tears started flowing from his eyes.......

No....u shouldn't say that about ur dad ......he looked after u......even though he did cruel things to me......said wei thinking that yao shouldn't hate his father because of him

Noo...he is not my dad....he not only did that to u....but to me also he....he.....said Yao and suddenly wei hugged him.....

what r u saying??Why didn't u say anything to me.....I didn't know anything......sorry  sorry...Didi ....i.was not there for u.....said wei sobbing .....

I couldn't say it to anyone......I....I ....said Yao

What happened Didi......tell me....said wei

After the case father started behave strangely with me and he started to touch me....but mom found out about it and she divorced dad......we moved out of the house........after months dad was arrested for sexual abuse.........said Yao..

Are u bitter about it now also??asked wei

I .....I m not ....I don't know....but ge u r the one who should be bitter not me........I m sorry for not protecting u that time.....said Yao

It's ok....u were just a little kid I m alright since I have a reason to live and protect myself....said  wei

Is it your boyfriend??....said Yao and wei started blushing furiously.....

How did u??...I didn't......say anything...asked wei..

The marks on your neck is a clear evidence.....don't tell me u didn't notice......said Yao and now wei understood why his students were looking at him intensly.......I m going to kill yunlan today thought wei and started blushing ......

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