Mr mysterious and the past

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I missed u so much......I miss u.....cried wei....

Stop crying u idiot ....I m here.....I told u I would come back.....I just went for my work......said a handsome stranger

Even though I missed u xian said wei....and he looked to the other with his pouted lips....

and he looked to the other with his pouted lips

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Aiyaah...don't pout ur lips or I will kiss it.....last warning.....said wei wuxian

Noo...u always tease me...said wei and clinged to xians neck.....giggling ...

So found a lover....weiyaaah....teased xian

What lover ......I don't have anyone.....asked wei confused

Then the one who dropped u here is not ur lover.....asked xian

He.......he is not my lover....he is a police officer and wanted to interrogate me because of a students death in my college......said wei slightly stuttering and avoiding eye contact with a faint blush in his cheeks

Really??....he wanted to ask u questions and even he dropped u here???asked xian raising his eyebrows ....he also noticed the faint blush formed in the latters face

Yes....said wei still avoiding eye contact

Ok........r u really sure u r not falling love wei??......asked xian

That is...I ......I don't ......I don't deserve him...said wei

I asked do u like him wei???asked xian again

I......I can't hide anything from u ....can I ......I kind of have a strange feeling said wei

What kind of feeling ?asked xian

I feel safe and I feel relaxed .....I can't describe it........but I dont ....I should not yearn for him.......I don't deserve such a good person.......he should get a good ....nice and ....and ..
This was interepted by xian and said and...tell me

A pure person....untouched by anyone....not a filthy one like me....said wei sadly

U r not filthy......u r one of the most kind and pure soul ........I have seen in my life and I love u ...said xian

But xian I shouldn't....said wei again sadly.

Not another word insulting urself.....wei.....u r the most precious...said xian giving a peck to wei in his forehead........he noticed tears falling down wei's cheeks.....and he wished he could wipe them off forever

Wei let's go to bed.....I will stay with u until u sleep said xian

But ....but....u should hold me...asked wei hesitantly......afraid to be rejected

Of course u r such a squishy bear.....I want a soft pillow tooo....hehe said xian and they move towards the bed and wei slowly drifted to sleep while xian was lost in thoughts about his first encounter with wei

10 years ago.....

It's was wei wuxians first work.....he is a psychiatrist's his first day of job after his graduation and he was really excited.......he really wanted to be a doctor..... While he was going to his office, his senior doctor called him to discuss his first case.........he read the case history and felt pity for the patient.....

He was thinking about his first case and thought domestic violence and sexual abuse hah

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He was thinking about his first case and thought domestic violence and sexual abuse hah...
While he was going suddenly so many nurses started to run.......and he understand that they r going to the patients room he was allotted to....

He ran and reached there and the scene he saw there was terrible and nurses were holding the legs and hands of the so called patient as he was scratching his body with his nails and deep marks of those can be seen those pale body....

He saw sadness in the patients face and vulnerability......he came near the patient and called his name Shen wei plz calm down...

Noooo.....noooo....tell them to leave me....let me erase those marks in my body left by him.....I m filthy ....I should clean it....shouted wei

Calm down Shen wei.....u r not filthy.....look at me and calm down....said xian....and  after so many struggling xian finally was able to calm wei down.....but he heard mumbling from wei saying that he should be dead....he was a curse.....he is filthy.....

Xian don't know why he felt attracted to wei.....he wanted to ease the pain of this creature who was a victim of some filthy man.......that day he promised himself till the end wei needed him ,he will protect him from any harm.......after few months wei started opening up to xian and he started coming back to normal.....
They started to develop a special bond between them many years passed the bond still remains strong

At present

Xians thoughts were interepted by wei stirring up his sleep and mumbling something inaudible...but xian heard it clearly..........

Even if u deny it ....u started to develop feelings for him........I have been by ur side for long.....I know there will be a day I no longer needed by u .....but till that day I will fight for ur happiness.....even though I feel jealous of him ......I will let u have ur happiness wei..... because u r my family my one and only brother weiwei.........thought xian

Chief Zhao.......mumbled wei again and drifted to deep sleep


I don't know if the story is good or not.....if u liked it plz vote and comment😁😁

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