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Yunlan was having a peaceful day that he got to see his wei ...... suddenly he got a text from someone it was none other than his weiwei.....

My weiwei
Can we meet tomorrow???.....

Zhao yunlan
Why??..did my angel miss me already???...I miss u alot.......
I m free tomorrow

My weiwei
Then can we meet at the cafe outside my uni?

Zhao yunlan
As ur wish my angel

My weiwei
Ok goodnight chief Zhao

Zhao yunlan angel ....dream about me😍😍😘😘😘😘

On the other side wei was blushing day yunlan was waiting for Shen wei .......after sometime he saw wei was entering with a handsome stranger by his side......he clenched his hand with jealousy as he saw the was none other than the person who kissed his weiwei

Cheif Zhao u r early.....said wei smiling......yunlan also tried to smile but failed .......

This is my best friend.....wei wuxian.....this is cheif Zhao ....the person I want u to meet....introduced wei to one another............but he could understand the tension growing between them......they ordered coffee and but none were speaking.....wei broke the silence again

Mmm...I m going to the washroom....will be back....said wei and excused himself

Sooo....u r the great Zhao yunlan...cheif of SID ............said xian smirking

And u r?......I don't remember wei mentioned about u to me before said yunlan just pouring oil to the fire...

I don't think u two are so close that wei would say something about his personal thing to an outsider like u.......... especially about we soooo close said xian starting the competition....

We may not be close but we will be in the future.....said yunlan

Ohhh....u wish......I don't think that will happen.....said xian

Not now may be in the future and his lips taste so good will I be able to forget about that....said yunlan thinking he would shut down the other......but it just backfired at him

Oh.....really I get to taste that  and also cuddle him to bed everyday.........I m the one who is close to his heart .....said xian which made yunlan mad and he was going to grab xian but at that time wei came back.....yunlan tried to calm down and drank his coffee.......after sometime xian stood up..

I have an important work wei.......I m going now....said xian

But u guys didn't talk ????? Said wei

We did talk....and we became so close .. right chief Zhao......asked xian

Yes........ inwardly Zhao said close my ass

Bye my weiwei.......let's meet again sometime later chief Zhao......said xian smirking and kissed weis head

Yunlan lost his sanity and dragged wei out from there .........xian saw this and thought...a little push wasn't that bad huh......I wish wei doesn't duck walk tomorrow heheh......

Yunlan dragged wei and they reached a place which is not crowded........yunlan then rested his head on weis shoulder and tried to calm down.....

Wei he ur boyfriend??....asked yunlan hesitantly

No.....he is my best friend....the only one I have....said wei

Yunlan wanted to ask somemore but when he looked at wei he saw that delicious looking lips and wanted to taste those........and he asked wei...

Can I taste it plz....yunlan asked touching Weis lips.........wei instantly blushed and couldn't form any sentence..........

Silence means yes right??....asked yunlan.......wei didn't answer that also so yunlan leaned forward but was interepted by a phone call......

Aahhhhhh.....who the hell is calling now?...yelled yunlan.....and wei also came back to senses who closed his eyes and was waiting for the plump lips to touch his......

Yunlan answered the call in a hurry and was frowning .....he told wei he have an urgent meeting and told wei to go back to his University.....wei obeyed that and went back....

Yunlan hoped on his Jeep and went to the allotted place by the person who called him and started waiting ....yunlan was thinking about something when his thoughts was interepted by a voice

Hey buddy it's been a while ......

Enjoy reading😍😍.....

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