The hurtful past

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I want u to hear what happened to me yunlan.....said wei


As far as wei could remember , his mother was a warm person with a beautiful smile....even though he doesn't resemble her.....she always used to play with him when he was small and buy him so many things.....but things gradually started to change ,when the his baby brother came....his mom became distant from was as if he doesn't exist in there......he tried so hard to make his mom notice him like studies , doing chores in the house but everything got unnoticed

During his 12th birthday ......he was waiting for his family to wish him but nothing happened.....with tears lingering in his eyes he tried to sleep........but after sometime he heard footsteps coming towards his room.....

He started to have hope and became happy inside since he thought his parents are coming to wish him......but that was the day his dreams were shattered...

His so called father came to his room and started to touch him in a very unusual way thinking wei was asleep ..... little wei slowly opened his doer eyes and asked his father what he was doing.....

Wei.... happy birthday.....don't u want ur gift?.... Said the his dad

yay......i.want it.....daddy where is mommy???asked wei in an innocent voice.....

Ur mom she don't love u anymore........but Daddy loves u so much but u r only asking for ur mom .......don't u want Daddy to love u anymore??.asked the other

Little did wei know about that.....but he couldn't believe it....

Mommy doesn't love wei???why......what did I do?????.....cried wei...

It's ok baby .....daddy will love u always......said his dad

Plz daddy don't hate me like mommy ....I love u .....wei will do anything plz don't hate me....cried wei

I love u too let Daddy touch u...... Daddy will not hate u .....if u let Daddy touch u.....said his dad

Ok.......plz don't hate me...said wei

don't let Mom know about this otherwise she will hate u more....this is our little secret..said his dad

I will keep it a secret .......I love u daddy ....don't leave wei....said wei and cried....

The other started to roam his hands on Weis body and that was the first time wei lost his purity....

His father continued it to do that until wei started to stop his father from doing it one day since he  understood what he was really doing but his father forced wei against his will ......he started to do it more often against his will saying he would say this to his mother.......

but one day everything came to an end....that was the worst day for wei as his mom came back home early and caught them...

I didn't want to do it honey??..he seduced me .......said the man

Noo he forced me to do it....said wei crying..

Get away from me...u r not my son...don't let anyone see ur ugly face.....I shouldn't have brought u in my house.....u even seduced my husband.....just like ur mom u are a slut....yelled the lady...

U r not my mom??...plz stop joking mom........plz don't begged wei with tears dwelling....

I just took pity on you and took u in and this is the prize u r giving me......said the lady pushing wei restricting him from hugging her

Wei started to beg her to stop joking and hugging her leg .....she pulled him out of the house and slammed the door in front of his face.....he started banging the door and kept telling her to open the door and saying he didn't do it........

She called the police and he was arrested for causing nuisance in front of the house and also for seducing her husband...........wei couldn't do anything he tried to explain everything but nobody listened to him........he tried so hard but the court was against him ......wei started to loose his mind....he started to hurt himself as he understood nobody would be there for him anymore he was admitted to the mental asylum and his horrible life started...... 1 year later the police found that he was  not guilty as the other man was arrested for sexual assult .........weis condition started to worse day by day and then he met xian who changed his life......


They didn't listen to me yunlan.....they called me a slut.......even the officer who was appointed to this case didn't even come to meet me to hear my side.......said wei suppressing his emotions....

Do u hate me now??? Don't u think I m disgusting???asked wei again as he noticed yunlan was silent...

Didn't I say to u ......u are mine and I will protect u from now onn......I love u said yunlan...

Thank u yunlan ....I love u tooo.....don't hate xian....because of him I m alive like this ... Said wei

Ok...I won't hate time I will thank him for giving u back said yunlan

That day wei slept peacefully snuggling to yunlan without any nightmares as he found someone who accepted him as he was....

I m sorry wei......I want to tell u the truth but I don't want to lose u .....I love u so much thought yunlan


Sorry this chapter is kind of lousy....I was in a hurry....I hope u guys enjoy and comment if u guys like it😊😊

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