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Zhao forgot to breathe when he saw a pair of beautiful eyes which sparkle with a golden tint in it ......which combines with the long eyelashes which shadows it and that perfect eyebrows to complete the heavenly look.............which make it more memorizing to look away from it..........he always thought angels doesn't exist but this proves him wrong to see this heavenly creature .....he considers himself as lucky to caught at least a glimpse of God own creation .........and the only thing that came to his mind was beautiful.........his mind wonders around until he met the pair of eyes again  and  he frowned because deep inside these beautiful pair of he saw loneliness,sadness, vulnerability.........

He stared at the person for so long until the other cleared his throat which brings Zhao back to reality.........
he felt embarrassed stare at a person for long.........he rubbed his nape awkwardly and stood up also extended his hand to the other just to feel the touch of his hands...but the other rejected it and was trying to stand up by himself ........but lost balance ......suddenly Zhao caught him from falling down ......

Zhao caught the person by his waist and he thought the other fits perfectly in his arms and he was unconsciously being happy inside.........but the next scene he saw made him let go of this beautiful angel.......he saw his angel shaking like a leaf and only one word came out from his mouth

                " Let go please"

He immediately let go of the person and apologized ........the latter was still shaking and Zhao asked whether he was alright and the other just responded with a nod ......after his angel came back to normal he introduced himself

My name is Zhao yunlan , cheif of SID ,I came here to investigate the recent case related to a student studying in this University......ummm are u a student here angel😚??

Zhao was giggling like a girl as he saw the latter was having a faint pink tint to his cheeks...

Angel????... My name is not angel .....I m Shen wei..... And I m not a student ....I m a professor in the department of science.......nice to meet you Mr Zhao

Zhao was in his own world as he heard the person talking to him's his first time hearing a angelic voice which can make the other see heaven..........he was also thinking how a person he met 10 min ago can make him like this.......and his thought was interepted by the other.....

Do u need any help??..... If u need I can do something even though I never taught her ........

Zhao thought yes I need to your help so that I can pull u by your waist and look at those beautiful orbs and get drowned in it........and also want to taste everypart of the other body to check whether it taste heavenly or not........

Sir if you need anything ....u can come to my plz continue ur investigation.......

Shen wei want to disappear from their quickly as the cheif was staring at him as if he want to eat him alive......he thought the cheif was dead handsome........but deep inside he knows the cheif would never be interested because who would want a ugly creature like me to their may be just lust........or may be he is staring because he never saw a creature who is this ugly

Prof Shen ..can u give me your number???.....

What?? Asked Shen

Your that I can contact u when I needed help.....plzzzz....I really need help.....told Zhao..

Ok cheif......Shen gave his number to the cheif but inwardly he was afraid ....afraid of someone getting closure.... class starts in 15 min so bye cheif.....have a nice day and the poor Prof rushed inside

Bye Prof Shen but inwardly he said bye my beautiful angel until we meet again .......just wait u will be mine in no time and I will remove all the sadness and loneliness on your eyes so that I m the only one who can stare at those beautiful face for the rest my life and I m the only one who u will look through that beautiful eyes lovingly and no one would take u away from me

Zhao was getting confused why he was getting such feelings towards the other......the feelings that got burried inside.......he feels kind of complete and want to hold the other in his arms ........ Suddenly his thoughts were interepted by a annoying sound.....his one and only best friend...

Old Zhao...did u die or what.....I have been calling u for years.......

I think I did die fatty because I saw an angel ..........and I think I m in heaven

R u dreaming???? Or do u want me to send you to heaven with my kick

Damn fatty I saw a real the appearance of a human being u found ur next goodness a poor soul is going to die amen.......old Zhao we got some clues come........

U damn fatty......he is not my target but my future and my beautiful angel

Aaaahhhhh......I know ur future or whatever .....first come here......

We will meet again angel beautiful wei.....until then be prepared to be mine .......and he went with da qing to continue the investigation

It's just a random update.....if u like my story plz vote and comment☺️☺️☺️

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