➖ New Surge

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DECEMBER 20TH. THE CCG MANAGED TO PUSH THROUGH THE FIRST LINE OF AOGIRI'S DEFENSE AND ELIMINATED THE REST OF GHOULS THROUGH BUILDING 1 AND 2. Tatara and Eto watched from the distance as the large group of Ghoul Investigators pushed through all the ghouls that attempted to stop them. Ayato Kirishima defended the building 5, Bin Brothers were having trouble with one Ghoul Investigator: First Class Koutarou Amon. All the squads moved as planned – eliminating ghouls almost with too much ease.

Aya was crouching on the edge of the roof of building 7, watching as doves rushed through. But that was not all Aya saw. She saw ghouls of 20th Ward that were dressed in Aogiri attire just to blend in with the crowd. Aya was not an idiot – she had a good sight and she used it in the best way possible. She knew every member of Aogiri Tree and she knew they would not be running to avoid trouble – every member of Aogiri Tree was true to its cause and they fought doves; they did not run away from them. Touka Kirishima, Nishiki Nishio, Shuu Tsukiyama, Uta and Renji Yomo. She recognized all of them and was quite astonished by the number of people that came to 11th Ward just to save one person: Ken Kaneki. But they wouldn't get far as Noro blocked their way and Touka and Nishio took a different route.

Putting her wrist forwards, Aya looked at the watch to see the small hand coming close to 1:30 A.M. Sighing, Aya fixed the hood of her Aogiri cloak by pushing it further down over her eyes. She had tricked a few of Ghoul Investigators in taking different routes in order to get them as far in as possible. The more lost they were; the more doves will fall when the times comes.

"Time to get to work."

Aya pushed herself on her straight feet and unconsciously, her eyes averted towards the detached tower behind building 5. She was not good when it came to hearing, but she could feel vibrations from the tower. Her eyes could not reach inside the building – but she knew that there was a battle taking place within it. Don't make me regret helping you.

Breathing in, Aya looked at the squad of doves storming onto the open path between building 7 and 3. They cut down the ghouls that came into their way. Each ghoul showed resilience – one fell harder than the other. Out of five members of Ghoul Investigators, two were killed. Killing the low ranking ghouls of Aogiri put the doves at ease, but not for long.

Jumping from high, her presence was unexpected, and the death of one of their partner devastated them. The ghoul dressed in Aogiri's attire broke the neck of the dove with the strength of their legs. They were shocked and did not react quickly – nine tails of her bikaku kagune emerged from underneath the cloak and two pierced the reminding doves. Swiftly and mercilessly. Blood oozed them from their open wounds and Aya towered over them – her kagune exposed.

With devastated expression, Ryuu Tsukino watched. And in silence, the four members of his squad watched as well. The red bikaku kagune, red and white ends, stood up around the ghoul – and Ryuu immediately recognized to whom that kagune belonged to. He remembers kagune from a few years ago when the ghoul with that same kagune killed his mentor and his friends – only he survived with grievous injuries. Ryuu had another chance at life and he took that as an opportunity to strengthen himself and be ready when he faces Kitsune once again.

"Ryuu Tsukino."

Shiver ran down First Class Investigator's spine as he heard his name being coldly spoken through the black medical mask which the ghoul wore to hide her facial appearance. The ghoul looked over her shoulder, her ghoul eyes focusing only on the Ghoul Investigator.

"It has been such a long time."

Ryuu's green eyes glared at the female ghoul – clenching the hilt of his quinque that resembled a katana. "Die, you bitch."

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