➖ Chaos of the Night

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GUNSHOTS. SCREAMS. BLOOD. DEATH. PART OF 20TH WARD SURROUNDING ANTEIKU HAS BEEN COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED BY CHAOS. In the shadows and silence, Aogiri came to the scene of the CCG's operation. They stood on the roof of the buildings and observed the fight that has been unfolding. The once retired ghoul groups Apes and Black Dobers were fighting the large forces of CCG. Aya almost found it amusing how once rivalry groups Apes and Black Dobers were fighting alongside each other to defeat the CCG who launched an attack on Anteiku. And they did it all because of Yoshimura – the One Eyed Owl – the fake one. But CCG didn't know that; they didn't know they were targeting the willing copycat. There was a reason why Yoshimura posed as the One Eyed Owl and Aya found that reason a silly one.

The CCG surrounded the Anteiku. Each street was covered with bodies. Smoke rose high in the air as the battle seemed without end. The blue eyes of Aya searched through the battlefield for that one person she constantly kept thinking of. Ken Kaneki. And she found him. Many blocks away he was facing a division of CCG lead by Koutarou Amon. Stop worrying! Aya yelled at her own self for becoming so protective of Ken. He can protect himself. She tried to convince herself.

Cheers filled the air and Aya's eyes wondered towards all CCG members raising their hands in the air in celebration. Her eyes examined the situation, trying to find the reason for their celebration. And she found it on the roof of one building. One Eyed Owl – Yoshimura – lied on the ground without any sign of life. Aya wanted to laugh out loud. She found it funny when she knew that Yoshimura only pretended to be an Owl in order to protect his child; the true One Eyed Owl: Eto.

"Where's the Eyepatch?" Ayato wondered out of the sudden as he came to stand next to her. "Why is he not with us?" He asked.

"He left Aogiri." Aya answered.

Ayato chuckled in disbelief. "In a body bag?" He asked and Aya laughed.


Ayato stared at her – he wanted to know so much about her. He wanted to know what was the reason of Ken leaving and why did she seem like she didn't want to talk about. Why is she not telling me something?! He wanted to know what happened between her, Tatara, Eto and Noro. He wanted answers that will explain her relationship with the four of them. He wanted to know why was she always the special one among them. She was treated as same as everyone, yet differently. Ayato was never this curious, but the mystery had begun to bother him.

"What happened between you and Tatara?" Ayato questioned without hesitation.

"We had a little talk."

"What kind of a talk?"

"You're being curious?" She looked at him with raised eyebrows – it was strange of Ayato to keep asking questions like a child. "You never ask so many questions."

Ayato faced her completely, stepping closer to her enough to make him seem intimidating. "How can I not when there is something you are all hiding?"

She understood where his frustration was coming from. Ever since Yamori died, Ayato begun to feel out of place. There were many occasions when Tatara would call for Aya to speak with her, and only with her. Eto as well seemed more interested in the well-being of Aya than anyone else. It felt as if Ayato didn't belong with them as Executive, he felt as if he was more of a subordinate than an Executive.

"Don't concern yourself with it, Ayato." She told him with softness in her voice – she was trying to be comforting. "The less you knew the better for you." She looked at him with reassurance. "Trust me."

The why she said those words gave Ayato a hint that at the moment she didn't feel like having that conversation. There was still much more Ayato wanted to ask, but because of respect he had for Aya, he decided to keep his tongue behind his teeth and wait for the end of the battle. And that will have to wait for a very long time because the battle only just started...

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