➖ City in Waiting

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OUTSIDE AOGIRI'S HIDEOUT, A FEW STREETS AWAY, AYA AND KEN WENT FOR A WALK – OR SHOULD IT BE SAID THAT AYA WENT TO ESCORT KEN. Ken had made a choice to leave Aogiri – whatever power he came to seek within Aogiri, he might have found it but it was costing his sanity. He could lose not lose that what made him human. Aogiri could strip that away from him. He needed to return there were he belonged and that was Aogiri. The only con was that fact Aya did not want to follow him. And he fully accepted her wish.

It has been quiet in Aogiri after Cochlea's attack. They have been healing from all the damage. As much as Ken knew, they had no plans for now – instead they decided to go dark for a little while before they begin to create solid plans. At least, that's what Aya had told him. Aya was the one who makes sure all Tatara says is planned and set in motion. Therefore, she knew everything before any other Executive did.

In silence, the two of them walked with a slow pace. The sun was falling behind the towering buildings with only small rays of sunshine shining through the gaps between buildings. One such ray of sunshine danced on Aya's face, the orange hue enlightening her usual pale face. Aya closed her eyes of a moment, walking blindly while enjoying the warm ray of sunshine warming up her cheeks.

Ken smiled at the sight of her. He memorized her small nose, her almond blue eyes with long dark eyelashes, her soft lips... He pinpointed the memory of her in his mind. She was too perfect for him – to perfect for a tragic protagonist. Yet, he didn't understand how did he come to deserve her; at least part of her. Never did he imagined that a girl from his childhood, a girl he had not seen for so many years, would become part of his life again. He didn't expect she would mean so much to him.

Aya breathed it and she opened her eyes. "So, this is it." She halted her steps and turned towards Ken.

"You could come with me to Anteiku. To meet everyone."

Aya shook her head lightly with an apologetic smile. "I don't think they would like me." She giggled uncomfortably.

Ken had decided that he wished to go back to Anteiku. It was the best for him, especially after what happened with his kakuja. He met someone else within himself – a person he couldn't recognize and going back to his friend, to all those people that helped him during his time when he became a ghoul was the best idea. Aya supported him. Despite feeling sad that he was leaving, Aya swallowed her own feelings and selflessly responded to the situation.

"They will warm up to you." Ken told her. "You are not like the others in Aogiri." Believe me, I am. "If I could warm up to you, so can they." He said reassuringly as he stepped closer to her.

Aya could seriously doubt that. "Yeah, maybe one day."

The manager of Anteiku, Yoshimura knew exactly who Aya really was. She met the old man a few times in the past and she heard quite a few things about him before he became the manager of Anteiku. Aya knew the other ghouls at Anteiku as well, but she did not believe they knew her very well. For years, she had kept herself in the dark under the request of One Eyed King. She was taught to manipulate from the shadows, plan for Aogiri and keep her identity a mystery. That did not go so well...

"Maybe when all of this with Aogiri calms down for a bit, I'll drop by for a coffee." Aya added with a smile.

"I would like that, yeah." Ken said. "I will be waiting for you then." He shyly looked down at the ground briefly. "Just don't make me wait too long."

Aya smiled at the cuteness she saw in his awkwardness when he said those words. "I won't."

Hesitantly, Ken leaned in and placed a light kiss onto her lips. It seemed like a natural thing to do with a person for who he has feelings for – and the person shares the same feelings. He saw it in the movies, he read it in the books, he saw it on the streets – the "exchange of love" many would call it. Aya returned the short kiss, therefore it gave him a signal that he did the right thing.

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