➖ Hanged Man

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FIRST 9TH WARD WAS ATTACKED, THEN 10TH WARD, AND THEN UNEXPECTED TRANSPORT WAS SCHEDULED BY CCG WITH A PERSON OF INTEREST BEING TRANSPORTED. And that person of interest being Naki – leader of group of ghouls known as White Suits – originally founded by Yamori. At this point, Aogiri was desperate to recruit more strong ghouls into their ranks and Yamori's right-hand man who somehow managed to get captured by CCG, seemed like a worthy recruit. And it was thanks to Aya that information of Naki's transport came to the surface. Along with that, their attack on Cochlea had to be delayed.

Aya adored new clothes – just as Tatara wanted off her. She wore a black jumpsuit with her usual black combat boots that were slowly wearing out – but she liked them the best. And over her hard wearing fabric of the jumpsuit which to her preference was not sticking to her skin – was the usual Aogiri cloak. She liked blending in with the rest. And she liked to use her own element of surprise. There is nothing more than she enjoyed but to see the shocked expression on doves' faces when they notice that it is Kitsune they're dealing with. But also, it made other subordinates feel a bit more comfortable.

On top of the tall building, above the empty highway in the least busy time of the night, stood Aya with a group of Aogiri members. And soon, the group was joined by Ayato Kirishima and Ken Kaneki. Ayato was not pleased. Working alongside a person who brutally broke his bones was a silent torture. Every time he looked at Ken, he thought of how badly he wants to break every single bone within his body – just out of fun and a little bit of revenge. But fighting among members of Aogiri was not allowed and Ayato didn't want to try and see what Tatara will do to him if he even tries to murder Ken.

Aya was crouching on the edge of the roof – loss of balance keeping her from falling down from such height. In the distance, red and blue light flashed closer and closer. Ayato and Ken came to stand on each side of her, examining the same view as Aya. With Ayato and Ken finally by her side, she was ready to begin.

"Take your positions."

With Aya's command coming through the black medical mask, all the subordinates rushed pass the three of them and jumped down the building – this cloaks levitating in the air with them as they slowly came to land onto the road. They hid behind the walls of the highway, waiting carefully for their time to act.

"What's the plan?" Ayato wondered.

"Ken you'll block their path, Ayato you'll attack from the back and leave the truck to me. The others will do the rest."

Ken scanned their position – in his head he already found a way of stopping the transport without throwing himself onto the road to block their path. Tilting his head to the side, Ken examined both Aya and Ayato. They seemed relaxed. Aya was crouching by the very edge with her elbows resting in her knees – her body calm despite the height underneath her. Ayato stood right beside her, his hands in the pockets of his pants. Ken felt out of place – he did not feel relaxed. From killings in 9th Ward to killings in 10th Ward, Ken had so much blood on his hands – it wasn't him, he could never do something like that. But something within him changed – it was worst. The only motivation that kept him going is the goal he lived for – become stronger and protect Anteiku.

"It's time."

Aya raised onto her feet and looked over her shoulder at Ken who snapped out of his troubled thoughts. Her eyes indicated that he was the one that will make the first move. He gave her a firm nod, understanding her command and rushed off the roof. The eyepatch mask hid away his appearance and the grey eye of his change its color. With bright red eye of a ghoul, the red kagune emerged from the back of his waist and aimed for the concrete wall fence of the highway above the road on which the CCG vehicles were approaching.

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