➖ Retake: One who writhes

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DAYS HAVE PASSED SINCE THE AUCTION AND YET, NO ONE WAS ABLE TO FORGET IT. Especially Ayato – he was bothered with thoughts of Hinami Fueguchi who was captured by CCG. The only thing he knew, he knew because Aya had told him, was that Hinami was held under the ownership of Haise Sasaki. Just knowing that made him feel at ease, but knowing she was in Cochlea – a prison made especially for ghouls, did not make him feel better. Matter of fact – he was not happy at all with Hinami's situation.

"Impossible. Cochlea will not fall again. How many times must you ask?"

Until you do something about it! – Ayato wanted to scream at Tatara; but that bashful boy with hot headed attitude had to remain silent. He was, in fact, persistent for the last couple days with the idea to break into Cochlea and rescue Hinami. It was an insane idea – but Aogiri did break once into Cochlea and he was sure they could do it again.

"Hinami's abilities are indispensable to Aogiri." Ayato reminded him – finding all the right reasons why Tatara should put forward a plan to break into Aogiri again.

"Since when were you one of my advisors, Ayato?" Tatara questioned, his voice covered by the red mask that he always wore. "I'll judge who's dispensable for myself."

Aya found Ayato's requests all in vain – as did most of those who were present. Miza Kusakari, Naki, Karao Saeki and Takizawa – all listened to Tatara and Ayato's conversation. Most of them just waited to leave the prefabricated greenhouse that Aogiri used as a hideout. They were all informed about Aogiri's next steps, which was to stay in the dark until the Auction was far behind them.

However, Ayato did not give anyone who was present a chance to leave. He was not afraid to ask Tatara; not like he did before. Before he would be silent and do what he is told – just like a good puppy. But not anymore. He finally grew sharp teeth – Aya thought; but not sharp enough.

A laugh danced in the background and all eyes went towards Takizawa – a ghoul that many Executives were wary of. He stood in the corner of the long room, crouching on the wall like a shadow. He was a menace. What the hell did he do to you to make you this vile? Once, he was a Ghoul Investigator and now, he was one of Dr. Kanou's successful products that survived the ghoulification process.

"Something funny, Takizawa?" Ayato questioned bitterly – he did not hide how displeased he was with his presence.

It was because of Takizawa that Hinami got captured. If only he did as he was told and left Hinami alone, Hinami would not be deep in Cochlea. However, it was not only Takizawa's fault – it was Hinami's as well. However, Ayato couldn't blame Hinami – instead he blamed Takizawa.

"Oh, I just think the way ghouls care about each other is kind of kooky and kooky kind of sounds like cookie and cookies are good, don't you think?"

With each word Takizawa said, the more Aya saw how Ayato was boiling under his skin. His collected attitude that he learned to maintain was cracking with every breath that left Takizawa's lips.

Ayato's eyes turned red and menacing, preparing himself to attack. "What did you say?"

Tatara stepped forward with a quickstep and gripped onto Ayato's head before he was ready to bring himself anywhere closer to Takizawa. Ayato's eyes wide as he felt his head being squeezed with enough strength to make him reconsider his next actions.

"Don't." Tatara warned him. "You and Fueguchi knew the risks when you decided to act alone. We'll simply recruit a replacement for her."

Of course... Aya relaxed her fist when Tatara released Ayato from his hold. She could feel the skin on her palm healing from the long nails that had dug into her skin. She couldn't deny the little emotion of fear for Ayato's life. She knew what Tatara was capable of and she didn't want to see Ayato getting hurt – or worse, killed.

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