Chapter 14

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It had been 3 days since we had seen David. It was worrying me but Blake had been great to me. Something in me wanted to go find him but he needed space and I wasn't about to chase after him when I was with his brother. I had strong feelings for both of them but which one did I truly want to be with? I was with Blake so, him right? I didn't know. I liked Blake so much. And I was falling for him hard. But something in me wanted David too.

Dad had been a great listener when I talked to him about it. I made sure Blake was out of the house before I did. But Dad couldn't talk and I didn't know anyone who could help me. My use to be a former best friend was an evil man. My dad was a wolf stuck in wolf form, and I was alone to figure all of this out.

"Marissa," I heard. Blake was walking through my door. I was on the bed with my knees up to my chest. He came in and sat beside me.

"Are you okay," he asked. I nodded and continued to sulk. He placed his hand over mine. I felt the sparks for sure with him.

"You're worried about David," he said. I nodded. He sighed.

"Me too, you know he will be okay, I've known him my entire life and he's a fighter, if anyone comes for him he will fight with everything he has," he said. I sighed and looked at him.

I could see the hurt in his eyes. To know the girl he was with was worried about another man was the most heartbreaking thing to discover. But Blake understood better than anyone why I was worried. He was alone and he was a great friend. And even if I had been with him I would have worried about either of the guys.

"Blake I'm so sorry, I am, I know it's hard, but if it were reversed I would worry about you too," I said. He nodded.

"I know, I admire you for it honestly," he said grinning. I gave him a smile and a giggle.

"Marissa, David cares about you more than you know, and I know this isn't what you want to hear but he left because he didn't want to see us together," he said. I nodded.

"I know but he is also confused and afraid," I said. Blake tilted his head in confusion.

"In David's eyes we are the power couple, he feels like he can't have what we have because of his inner wolf. He's afraid it'll come out and he will be this vicious thing and he thought I'd get scared of him and leave him, that's why he didn't want me with him but he also hates seeing me with anyone else," I said. Blake nodded.

"So what do we do Mary Jane can we be together knowing that we both have feelings for you and you have feelings for both of us too?"

"Honestly, I don't know, you're sweet and kind, you make me feel safe, but I can't help how I feel for David either," I said. He just nodded and sighed.

"Marissa, I'll do what you want me to," he said. I couldn't help but feel hopeless. I wanted to say I only felt something for both of them. But right now I couldn't. I felt helpless.

"I think we need to think of David's feelings too, I don't want to come between you two and I want us all to work together," I stopped.

"We should remain friends until you know what you feel for either of us," he finished for me. I felt bad but I nodded.

"I'm so sorry Blake, but besides that, we are dealing with a psychopath who wants me for some odd reason, and I don't know if I can deal with all the drama," I said. He grabbed my hands.

"Marissa you shouldn't worry about Donovan, I would kill him in a second if you asked me to," he said. Oh my goodness he was so sweet and I loved his heart so much. He was sexy too. It was hard for me to walk away. I looked away for a split second to see where Dad was. He wasn't in sight. He must have gone out for a quick bathroom break. So I turned back to Blake and I hugged him.

"I'm sorry Blake and I know this is hard for you, the way you feel towards me, I just can't go on lying to myself and to you because I don't know what to tell you or how I feel," I said letting him go. He purses his lips together.

"It's fine, Marissa you have nothing to explain," he said. I tried to hold back the emotions as best I could but my heart was so shattered.

"I'm sorry," I said walking away from him.

He didn't follow after me as I thought he would but maybe that was for the best. I didn't want him to see me crying like a baby. So many emotions and so many feelings that's what I was dealing with. Falling for two guys but didn't know which one I was in love with. It was a struggle but I was dealing with it.

Dad came upstairs into my room and hopped on my bed. I sighed and hugged him. I still couldn't believe he was my father. That meant some part of me had a wolf in it.

"Dad, I don't know what to do," I said. He sighed and came closer. I nodded.

"Yeah, I know I have to follow my heart, but my heart doesn't know what it wants," I said. He whimpered. I didn't understand it. Before my choices were clear and now they weren't coming so easily. I was indecisive and I hated it. I didn't know how I was feeling.

"I guess I should spend time with them both and see."

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