Chapter 17

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The next day, I woke up with both boys in the kitchen. Dad was in the family area of course. He had already eaten. And David was cooking. Blake was setting the table. So both boys could cook? Unusual. I usually fixed breakfast each morning. I'm glad someone besides myself, was doing it. Blake notices me. David was still busy cooking and he looked happier than usual.

"Mary Jane is finally awake," Blake jokes. I smile at him. David looks back and smiles at me.

"Morning sleeping beauty," he says flirting. Blake grins. He is glad to see his brother finally happy.

"Hey, have any of you got any word on Donovan lately?" I asked. Blake shook his head.

"Nothing yet," he said. David sat a plate of pancakes in front of Blake and me.

"I tried to find him but he is off the radar," he said. I smiled.

We sat down and ate together. Afterward, we all gather in the family room with Dad. We were all having so much fun, talking and laughing. And dad was relaxing on the floor until he got up to go into the kitchen. We spent all morning talking and laughing and discussing my powers. Blake wanted to give me a nickname like 'Flame.' But I refused. David called me 'Spitfire' which was worse.

"So what is the plan to deal with Donovan?" I asked.

"Well, if he shows his face again, we will deal with him, but until then, I think we need to train and lay low. I'm in case the fight shows up at our door," David said. Blake agreed.

"Who's teaching what?" I asked. David looked and Blake.

"Blake can teach you healing and harnessing your power, all of it, and I will be your support, also combat training partner, if you're going to be fighting wolves, you'll need a live one training you," he said. I sat up looking at him.

"So I'll be fighting your wolf form?"

"Yep," he said popping the 'P.'

"Okay, I'm excited for this," I said. He smiles. His smile lights up the room. Blake chuckled. Then dad sits up his ear flops up. Blake notices. And David hears something too.

There's a knock at the door. Dad gets up. He goes to the door but he just stands there. No growling or snarling. And David gets up walking over to the door. He looks out of the little peephole and looks confused. As he opens the door. Blake stands up joining him. And then I decide to get closer.

Once the door is open a girl with very light brown hair and brown eyes, appears in front of us. And we are so confused. She looks familiar but I can't place her. She looks a few years younger than me. Not by much. But younger. Dad is standing behind David. She notices him. And she looks at me.

"Marissa, can you call off your guard dogs and the cute boy band wanna please," she says. Blake purses his lips. He looks impressed. David looked at me and I shrugged. If she had been a threat they would have sensed it.

"Okay, I guess I'll introduce myself, my name is Madison And before you ask my middle name is Jade, Thomas," she said. She walks in and catches Dad's eye. Blake's too. He couldn't stop watching her. David was still weary of her but if she had wanted to kill us she would have tried already.

"So who are you exactly you have the same last name and same initials and Marissa," David asked. She kept watching Dad and me. I crossed my arms.

"Long story short Marissa is my sister," she said. My mouth dropped.

"I'm sorry what," David asked. Dad raised walking over to Madison. She placed her hand on his head.

"This is my father as it is yours, we are sisters," she said. I didn't understand what was going on. It was too confusing. Did she say we were sisters? Blake seemed to believe her. And dad wasn't afraid of her. But David didn't know.

"I'm sorry, wait, you said he is your father, who's your mother," David asked. She crosses her arms.

"The same as Marissas, I am 28 years old, soon to be 29, my mother and father thought it best to keep me with the wolf pack, and Marissa to stay with our mother," she said. Did she just say she was a few months younger than me? Like as soon as my mother had me she had Madison?

"So your father raised you and him a wolf? And your mother took Marissa?" Blake asked. David didn't like him asking her questions he seemed to take an interest In her.

"Well they had to run, so as soon as I was born, Dad took me, and left Marissa but not because he wanted to, why do you think he didn't try to attack me, he knew I was coming, neither of you had met me before now, but he knew me," she said looking down. David looked at me. I had a little sister. Was that becoming a thing? Something new all the time?

"So how did your father raise you in that form?" Blake asks.

"Oh he raised me until I was six like that, and then the curse was put on him but it wasn't his fault, some witch found out about Marissa and because he refused to give her up he was cursed to live his life stuck in this form unless Marissa was brought to her," she said looking directly at me.

"But I didn't come to take her, I came to help you all, and possibly help Dad in the process," she said. I finally spoke.

"So wait, you're my sister and we share parents, and you just now come to find me?"

"We'll give me credit sis, I waited until I knew you were ready to share what I know about your power," she said. I looked at David and Blake. Who looked at me.

"What do you know," I asked. She grins letting Dad's head go. He goes back to the kitchen and lays down.

"You have multiple powers, one, is healer, full healer, one is Tethering, another is Firepower or Phoenix power courtesy of our grandmother, and the other you might not have just yet," she said stopping.

"The power I speak of has to be unlocked, by someone special, you can't tap into it, it's too genuine to do it by yourself, which is why I've come to help. The power I speak of is the power see, you've had dreams of mom but you can do more with that, you have to open it," she said. I was confused.

"What do you mean see?"

"A seer is someone who can see glimpses of the future, and also small details of things other people couldn't see, tiny organisms, trails of blood done dried, you could tap into the past if you wanted, our mother possessed the gift, but it destroyed her," she said. Blake looked at David.

"Mom died trying to protect you from something that was meant for you, the day Mom died was the day she saw you die, she stopped it by throwing herself in danger."

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