Chapter 15

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David had been gone a week and I was getting worried. Blake and Dad had been there for me but it wasn't the same. I liked Blake and David but I couldn't hide the truth, I wanted them both but I couldn't have them both. If David came back I would tell him that Blake and I decided to stay friends for the moment. And that I cared for him. But he had been confusing. Because when we got close he shut me down. And it may have been for Blake but something else was wrong with him. Did it have anything to do with the guy he hurt?

Blake and Dad were having a one-way conversation about things that made no sense. The weather, which was still cool but not cold, and other things that didn't seem to matter. But maybe Blake needed to talk because he was worried about David. I was worried too. How could I spend time with him, he wasn't home. I had come to think of this place as home. I had been here almost two months and I loved it here. But there were still dangers.

Blake had gone to bed that night. And I was worried something awful. So I left my thinking hat off and did something stupid. I snuck downstairs to Dad. He heard me coming and he raised. I had a feeling he could sniff out David. So I wrote Blake a note leaving it on the coffee table explaining that I had to find him because I was worried.

"Dad I need you to sniff David out, he wouldn't go very far, but in case he did, I need you to find him," I said. He whimpered.

"Dad please, I need him back home," I said. He sits up and waits for me to open the door.

The night air was cooler than I expected. It was mid-October and Nevada air was cool at night. Halloween was upon us and since the full moon was coming, David would be going through the motions. Dad was trapped in his wolf body so no motions on his end. He stayed close to me while walking. He was sniffing and eventually, we walked ten miles. It took us about 2 hours to get there but we were ten miles in and he was getting a lead on David's scent. It was a little past midnight and I was still following Dad.

The night was getting thicker and thicker. The fog began rolling in as Dad lifted his snout, growling. He must have heard something. And then like magic, I could hear something. It sounded like someone was walking. But I couldn't see anything. Dad looked to his right beside me. And I looked over as well. And it scared me to no end. A large rustic-colored wolf with black mixed in stood four feet tall and was snarling at us. Dad was as big as he was so he stood in front of me.

"Dad, be careful," I said trying to be brave. But my body was shaking. And I was terrified. And wolves could sense fear.

The wolf begins growling louder. And louder. And its orange eyes begin glaring at me. This was no ordinary wolf. It was different. It didn't look like David or Dad. It didn't look like the one after me. It was different. The wolf begins running its paw through the dirt in a charging stance. Dad does the same. And before I could react, the wolf and my dad were rolling around fighting each other. As if they had been in a feud for years.

"Dad," I say loudly. The wolf looks back at me giving Dad a chance to take it to the ground. This was getting serious. What could I do to stop this? Maybe I could use the anger towards Donovan and David to fuel me. Maybe if I focused. So I focused on the anger inside of me. It started boiling inside me. But something began happening. Not tethering magic but something so different. My hands began burning, like a flame, as if I had firepower. My anger had caused a fire inside to burn out.

"GET. OFF. MY. DAD," I yell pausing each word, throwing the flames near the wolf. It struck him barely missing my dad, and threw him into a tree nearby. It whimpered falling on the ground barely moving. Taking slow breaths.

The wolf eventually gets up and moves away from us slowly. Dad looks back at me, my hands have gone out. And I stand there looking at them. I looked at them as if I were in shock. What kind of power was that? I could heal and use emotions to move things or make things explode but throwing flames? That was new. And scary.

"Dad, what is wrong with me?"

Dad just looked at me not making a sound. He stiffened his head up and turned around walking through the park. I didn't want to move. I was scared. What kind of monster was I? A demon?? If I wasn't then something very weird was happening. And it wasn't normal for fire to come from someone. It wasn't normal at all.

I start to move but the moment I do something catches my arm. I turn around to look, and I see Blake standing there, with anger in his eyes. And the note I left him.

"Marissa, what were you thinking, you could have gotten yourself killed," he said. I couldn't speak. I was just scared. And to be honest I wish I had never protected Dad. What if I made a mistake? What if that's the reason they want me? I was dangerous.

"I think, I think I was born messed up," I said. He looked confused.

"Marissa, I just came to tell you to let me join you, to not go alone, why would you think you're messed up just for going alone?" He asked. But like an angel, I didn't have to answer that question.

"Because Marissa has firepower," a voice speaks. Behind me stood my dad with David beside him. But how did he know that?

"I was hiding here and I saw the whole thing."

Forces of darkness Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz