Chapter 7

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We made it to my car and David agreed to drive so I could rest. I had a rough night and a long way to go. I was headed to Nevada. On the outskirts of Las Vegas. If something happened to Donnie then Dad could run and catch up to us. Wolves could run over 90 miles an hour. And we weren't too far out. Far enough to be away from the wolves. They wouldn't catch us too quickly. Blake sat in front of David. They were used to being on the road. But we were headed to their house in Nevada.

I may not have known them but I knew after seeing what I saw I could trust them. David was a wolf and Blake was half healer. There was nothing we couldn't do if we were together, and I later learned that. But now I was just sleeping in the back of my GMC.

"Marissa," it whispered. What was it? I could hear it clearly but it was pitch black. But a light was just ahead. I followed it until I could see only darkness behind me. In front of me was a street. It was empty and there were only small buildings. Mostly convenient stores. But I could see a figure in the distance. Walking towards me. I could feel the fear and anger in this person.

I walked slowly wondering what it was that I was seeing. When I got closer I could see plainly what it was. I knew the shape and the hair, the smell, the only person I knew could smell and look this way.


"Marissa, sweetheart, I'm so sorry, about what you've discovered and what has happened to you it was all supposed to be told to you before your twenty-first birthday. We had so hoped we'd live that long but we didn't. So your grandmother promised she'd tell you but she died too," she said. I cried. I felt this was real.

"I'm so sorry Mom, this is all my fault, I should have stayed distant and never gotten close to any of you," I cried. She shook her head and grabbed my face. Her light brown hair and blue eyes shone back at me. She looked just like she did when she passed.

"Baby, it's not your fault. Your gifts kept you from being able to heal those closest to you, when you died you tapped into that, and I'm so glad you did, now you have more than healing power," she spoke kissing my cheek.

"Wait, Mom, what other power do I have," I asked. I was new to this but having something other than healing was scary.

"You'll find out in due time dear I'm so sorry I must go, but remember even though you weren't born ours we loved you as if you were and we knew and took that risk and we are proud of you."

"MOM," I yelled sitting up in the car Blake looked back quickly and David jumped to look back. They had stopped near a house. They saw the look on my face and I could see the worry on theirs.

"Marissa, are you okay," Blake asked. I grabbed my chest and nodded.

"Yeah but I had a strange dream, vision," I said. They looked at each other.

"Vision," Blake asked. I nodded. They got out of the car and opened my door. David helped me out and Blake grabbed my bag. They helped me inside the two-story house and into the family room. Blake sat in front of me and David beside me. I was so confused.

"What do you mean by visions exactly," Blake asked. I looked at both of them.

"Well I'm assuming that they were visions, my mom came to me, and told me about my powers," I told them. Blake and David looked at each other.

"Powers, as in more than one," David said. I nodded. Blake rubbed his fingers through his hair and blew a breath out of his mouth.

"Okay so you have more than one power, do you know what it is," Blake asked me. I shook my head.

"Until a few days ago I didn't know wolves existed and until today I never knew I had a wolf dad or healing powers, this is all so new to me and I just want to go back to normal," I said placing my hands in my face. I started to cry. David grabbed me around my shoulders and held me. He smelled nice and was so warm, it was a wolf thing. He was sweet and gentle.

"You know, we were in our twenties when we found out, I was 28, Blake was 23, we had just finished college and our dad told us," David said. I raised and David grinned and wiped my tears from my face.

"I'm sorry I'm just a mess, I'm not used to this," I said. They both chuckled.

"Yeah well, we didn't take it well either," David spoke. I looked confused.

"When David first turned after his 28th birthday, and I realized I could heal after my 23rd birthday, we cussed out dad, for not telling us sooner, it's a weird number but that's how old we were, David had turned after getting upset at a local drunk and he didn't kill him but he turned and scared the man so bad that-"

"The point is we didn't take it well," David said. I giggled.

"That's better," David said. God, he was so cute. He was like a sweet puppy. He could be a little mean but he was mostly sweet.

"So, I am going to fix food I'm starving, do you want anything Marissa," Blake asked. I nodded and realized I was hungry. I hadn't eaten all day.

So Blake walked into the kitchen and began cooking. David led me upstairs into a bedroom made for a queen. Sheer bed canopy and matching curtains. And In red. It was beautiful. He sat my things down on the bed. He then looked at me and I was still upset but not at my mom or dad or the boys, at myself.

"So this is where I tell you how you shouldn't blame yourself, but I'm not going to, because honestly, I would blame myself too," David said. I sat on the bed. He kneeled in front of me.

"Marissa, look at me," he said. I did.

"We will get through this, we will kill this thing, and whoever else tries to come at us," he said. I nodded and grinned. He grinned and stood up. Blake knocked on the door.

"I have got a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese, something light for the stomach," he said. I laughed. I liked this meal. He brought in a tray with water to drink. David excused himself.

"Now when you eat, I expect you to rest after, I know this is all sudden and it's hard but we are both here and right down the hall, and while you're here, our home is yours so cook if you want, eat when you want, do what you want here," he said.

"Hey Blake," I said suddenly. I patted the bed. He sat beside me.

"Thank you for everything," I said hugging him. He hugged me back and was so gentle with me. I sighed. I could feel a connection between us much like me and David.

"You're welcome," he said. He got up and walked out.

I ate my dinner and got changed. I wore my night romper. It was silky and black. I then lay down and fell asleep.

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