Chapter 11

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Two weeks had gone by. Again. I had been practicing my levitation nonstop. The boys thought it would be a good idea to try it on their sofa. If I could levitate more than seventy pounds I'd be doing better than expected. Blake went out to buy some takeout for everyone. Chinese was the best. So David and I stayed home to practice. I had recently told Donnie about my power and he was so excited. The wolves had left and Dad was watching him like a hawk. Everything was looking up for now.

"Okay Rissa, let's see if you can levitate me," he said. I didn't want to do this.

"David I could hurt you," I said. He shook his head.

"Part wolf remember, only silver bullets can hurt me," he said. I took a deep breath and focused.

After some time I was about to give up. David kept pushing me to continue. I finally got agitated and with the flick of my wrist flung him over the couch. It flipped over and I felt horrible. He fell with a thud. I ran to his side trying to help him off the floor.

"I am so sorry are you okay," I said. He laughed.

"Rissa, I'm a wild animal, I'm fine," he said. I sighed and helped him up.

"Besides I've had more damage done to me than that," he spoke. I was curious but wouldn't pry into his past. He stood up after fixing the couch and grinned at me.

"Rissa, you did great, but you need to work on your emotional imbalances, you could kill a human, easily," he said. I nodded and put my head down. He seemed concerned for me. He slipped his hand under my chin and lifted me to look at him.

"You're doing great, and I'm proud of you," he said. I grinned shyly at him. He moved a hair from my face and stuck it in behind my ear. His touch was gentle and warm. The wolf in him was tame you could let it. He looked deeper into my eyes and I could see the longing in them. He wanted to kiss me and I did him. Even though we didn't get along we were always there for each other. And we'd known each other a month now.

"So I got, food," Blake said coming through the door. We stepped away. He walked into the room and looked in the bags.

"Huh, well I left the chopsticks in the car," he said handing us the bags and leaving. David cleared his throat.

"Listen, about earlier, I'm sorry, but can we just pretend it didn't happen," he said. I was confused.

"With the couch and you falling," I asked laughing.

"No what happened between us," he said. He was asking that?

"Nothing happened between us," I lied. He nodded.


Blake ran back in at the end and didn't hear anything. But why would David not want to act like anything happened? We were about to kiss! And he was being rude. Why was he closing himself off? It wasn't as if I was in love with him but I did like him and Blake a lot. And I couldn't choose between them.

After dinner, Blake walked me to my room and sat on the bed. He looked disappointed. I was worried about him. He placed his face in his hands. He looked scared and in pain. It wasn't a shock he was always so sensitive.

"Blake," I asked kneeling in front of him. He looked at me with worry.

"Shouldn't this be the other way around," he joked. I laughed too.

"Well, usually it is but today you are the one hurting," I said. He nodded. I couldn't watch him hurt so much. He tried to keep a brave face but he couldn't.

"Mary Jane I know this is a shock to you, but I have to tell you something and you're not going to like it," he said. Whatever it was I could handle it.

"I called the police station in Seattle. They found the body this morning, of a man, who said he had been ripped from head to foot. And he didn't make it," he said.

"But why would that bother me," I asked.

"Because it was Donavan," he said. I was crushed. Donavan was gone and it was my fault. What was I going to do? How could I live with myself knowing he was gone and it was my fault?

"That's impossible I just spoke to him a few hours ago, and he said he doesn't go out alone," I told him. He shot up and looked at me.

"You spoke to him, what time," he asked quickly.

"Um, five I think," I said. He rubbed his temples.

"Okay so what I'm about to tell you is going to be shocking, but I think Donavan isn't who he says he is," Blake said. What? That doesn't make sense. Why would he pretend to be Donavan? Who could he be if not Donavan?

"Okay first off, that's crazy, and second what proof do we have that the guy that was killed didn't just have the same name?"

"Marissa look I know you don't want to believe this but I think we've been played," Blake said. Well, this was great. If it were true, we'd have trusted the wrong person. If it weren't we accused someone of stealing an identity.

"So call him," I said. Blake looked confused at me. He didn't understand what I was telling him. So I picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang about three times before he answered.

"Hey Marissa," he said. He was happy. He sounded okay.

"Hey Donavan, how are you and dad," I asked. He hesitated.

"Well now that you mention it we are missing you but, we are fine, your dad is great and he says hi," he said. I could hear whimpers in the background. David walked in and heard them too.

"Donavan, can I just say something to my dad fast please I need him to know we are okay," I said. Something was wrong and David knew it too.

"Sure, give me a second," he said. Moments later the whimpering got louder. I could hear it like a cry for help.

"Okay go ahead," Donavan said. He sounded far away.

"Hey Dad, I just wanted you to know we are fine we've not been on the RUN for a month and living in Nevada, we miss you and hope to see you SOON," I hope he got that message. He whimpered again.

"Okay well we miss you too Marissa stay safe and come back when you can," Donavan said before clicking the line off. He never hung up like that before.

"He's in trouble," David said. I nodded and cried. I cried hard. Blake grabbed me from around the waist and held on to me right.

"We have to get to him, if Donavan isn't who he says then he's behind all the attacks and wanting Marissa," David said. That was confusing because he wanted me to leave.

"He wanted Marissa gone, he knew she'd have her dad stay behind without protection, he was plotting, it was an ambush, and I think today was just the beginning," Blake said. David nodded in agreement.

"No matter, we have to get to him," David said. I nodded.

"But without you, so Blake you stay behind with her, I'll go in and snatch him and I'll be back," David said. I shook my head.

"No, absolutely not I'm not letting you go alone," I said. David sighed.

"Rissa I don't have time to argue your dad is the alpha of my pack and he's in trouble I have to get to him," David said running out. I rolled my eyes and left him alone.

"Well looks like it's you and me tonight," Blake said. I smiled and nodded.

"You can sleep in My room."

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