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Marissa Thomas...that was her name. She was a single 31-year-old who worked as a Certified Nurses Assistant in a local hospital. She has lived in Los Angeles for 20 years and now lives in Seattle where she's been taking her RN classes while working as a part-time CNA and a part-time receptionist up front. The local hospital was a big place to get lost in. 5 stories and 50-75 rooms on each floor. It was big. There were sections they worked from. Different halls, different sections. She worked the A-C section on most nights. Eventually was in the D wing. Oh, she was also on the third floor. That was the trauma wing. Most patients were in accidents or were so sick they were in comas or worse. Her mother and father passed away when she was 17 in a car accident. She knew then she wanted to work her way up to being a doctor. She couldn't save them but maybe she could save someone else. Her grandmother let her stay with her until she was 20 and she passed away. She always told her "There are things unexplained in this world." But the kicker was when she was sick and her grandmother told her "You have a gift Rissa, use it." And since then she's been secluded to herself. 11 years later she still has no idea what she's doing or what her "gifts" were. She didn't even know what that meant. But she knew one thing, everyone she was ever close to died.

She had a dog at 10 years old. He was with her for 3 months and then got run over. And then she got a cat. It stayed for 3 years and then got eaten by a wild animal. And let's not forget her middle school best friend. Her name was Sarah, she was 14 and about to go to high school. She was killed by a drunk driver one day while she was riding her bike. 

Marissa has it rough. Everyone she ever loved died eventually. And she couldn't help but feel secluded from people. But wouldn't you!? How can life be so terrible? Why did she feel so helpless? She wanted so badly to be a doctor so maybe she could save one or more lives. But she felt hopeless. Her fate was to be alone.....or was it...

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