"hey, hey, shh, what's wrong?" oh yeah, great fucking question y/n. i tried to soothe her by hooking my finger and my thumb under her chin and gently bringing her head up out of the pillow. i observes her gave and she looked in a terrible state. she was pale, and her eyes were red and puffy from all of the crying. her hair was all tangled and looked like it hadn't been taken care of. she was still gripping the pillow tightly, so i carefully took it out of her grip and place it on the floor beside us. i looked at her clothes, they seemed to be the same ones she was wearing when i left, and they looked baggier than usual. she was trying to hide the inside of her arms and still tried to look away from me. i could still hear her sobs and it broke my heart.

every move i made was slow and gentle, i was scared that i would break her, as if she was a porcelain doll and any harsh move would break her into a million pieces. my eyes travelled down to her arms and noticed she was trying to hide the inside of them, so i looked into her eyes for consent to look at them. she gave me a slight nod. i remover her arms from her chest and looked at them. all over her arms were deep cuts and harsh burns. i teared up at the sight. my poor baby...

"courtney..." i looked up at her and she was crying harder. she looked into my eyes and saw that i was tearing up and she lunged at me, gripping onto my waist for dear life and sobbing into the crook of my neck.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry-" she cried and i soothed her again by running my hands through her hair and cradling her in my arms.

"why? why would you..?" i asked, careful not to force her into answering. she clung onto me tighter and cried even harder, so i cradled her again and played with her hair more until she was ready to answer.

"i-i thought i lost you forever, i didn't think i'd e-ever see you again because of what i said, i f-fucked up and i'm s-so-" i four get off my pulling her closer to me (if that was even possible). her voice was so weak and croaky, she probably hadn't used it in a while.

"shh, don't apologise, just please...don't do it again, okay? i would never leave you, no matter what, i just needed to be away for a while...but i'm here now, and i'm not gonna leave your side again." i said, which calmed her down a little, and the crying subsided.

after a few minutes of me holding her, i spoke up again.

"hey, let's go and get you a nice, warm bath. does that sound good?" i asked her, and she nodded into my neck.

she got out of my lap and i picked her up. she held onto me like a koala bear and just cuddled me while i took her into the bathroom. as i entered, i saw a pack of opened razors on the sink. i put her down on the counter next to the sink and picked the razors up. i flushed them all down the toilet and smiled at her, she tried to smile back but she was so weak that she could barely move her face. i walked over to the bath and turned the tap on, the sound of water soon filling up the room.

i looked back at her and saw her watching me. i could tell she was already missing my embrace so i walked back over to her and hugged her again. she gripped onto me tightly once again, still scared of letting me go.

"how about we get you out of these clothes, hm? i bet they're uncomfortable." she nodded at me, "yeah, i thought so. can you lift your arms up for me sweetheart?" i asked, knowing she was still pretty weak.

she tried as best as she could to lift them up, but struggled a lot. i helped her and slowly lifted her arms up above her head. i saw her face contort in pain out of the corner of my eye.

"good girl, you're doing so well, just keep them up there for me, okay?" i asked her and she tried. i took her shirt off as quickly as possible but still didn't hurt her so she could put her arms down. i helped her bring them down and put her shirt aside. then, i unbuckled her best and took off her jeans slowly, not before asking consent. i managed to take them off and put them with the shirt.

"you good?" i questioned, she nodded again and i smiled at her.

"do you need me to take the rest off or can you do it yourself? i don't wanna invade any privacy..." i said, trying not to sound sexual or shit like that.

"can you help me...please?" her voice broke near the end.

"of course honey, just tell me if you're too uncomfortable and i'll stop at any point." i started to take off the rest of her stuff.

after i had done that, i put them aside and walked over to the bathtub, i put a little bit of bubble bath in and turned the tap off.

i walked back over to her and helped her off of the counter.

"do you think you can try and walk to the bathtub?" she nodded slightly, but still held my side. i helped her walk to the bathtub and helped her get in. she winced at the sudden stinging in her arms and i held her hand.

"i'm so, so proud of you court. it's going to sting a little bit more but it'll be over soon, i promise. just try not to touch them and it should be good." i kissed the back of her hand and gave it a light squeeze to show comfort.

i ended up helping her wash her hair too, and everything else. then i helped her out of the bath, dried her off, did her hair and got her some clothes.

after i had helped her get into them, i picked her up bridal style and helped her downstairs, putting her on one of the chairs in the kitchen and turned the lights on.

"hey, this is a touchy subject, but...have you been eating at all? you seem awfully thin and pale..." i asked her, remembering how i noticed earlier that her clothes seem way more baggier than usual. she hesitated at first but then answered.

"i'm sorry i- i just didn't have an appetite..." she trailed off near the end.

"how long?" i asked, hoping she'd answer.

"i-i can't remember..." she replied. this is bad...she needs food, asap.

"courtney...oh god, this isn't good, you need to eat something, even if it's just a little bit." the hesitant look returned to her face when i told her that.

"please? for me?" i asked her and she slowly nodded her head, "thank you." i smiled at her.

i went into the cupboard and found some chocolate biscuits and did her some toast. i put it all on a plate and gave it to her.

"now, you don't need to eat all of it, but please try to eat as much as you can, but don't eat so much that it will make you sick." i reassured her.

after a while, i looked up from the table and saw that she had eaten as much as she could.

i gave her a big grin, "i'm so proud of you honey.".

i turned her chair around and picked her back up, and took her into the living room.

"i'll clean this up later...do you wanna cuddle for now?" she nodded as quick as she could and i giggled slightly before sitting down and pulling her close to me.

about 15 minutes had passed before i heard her breath even out and become calm. she must be asleep. i took her off of my lap, careful not to wake her up, and walked back upstairs to pick up my bag. i took my phone out of it and gave olivia a quick message, telling her that she's okay...kind of. i didn't tell her about anything else, just incase if courtney wasn't ready to share that information yet. i messaged ian too (i had his number just incase if there were any emergencies or if we just wanted to hang out or he needed help) to tell him that courtney won't be in again tomorrow, and that she's okay. she definitely needs another day off.

i went back downstairs and cleaned up as much of the mess as i could. then i went back over to my sleeping beauty and cuddled into her again. she slightly smiled in her sleep and snuggled into me further. i kissed her head and told her that i'd never leave her again.

from this day forward, i will never, ever argue with courtney again.

(a/n: wow, i got carried away with this 😂
i'm so sorry about not posting a new chapter sooner, the exams literally killed me and i was exhausted 24/7 throughout the week and really needed a break at the weekend, but they're over now and i should hopefully be able to post more often again! sooo...yay😂
anyway, yeah, i hope you all enjoyed! :)
word count: 2368 words.

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