Chapter 11

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Emily's POV
I thought about what lily said, my heads been rummaging for hours. Maybe I should talk to her, tell her why I was upset, tell her how I feel, and try to understand her point of view. It's just I've never liked a girl like this before, I didn't know if I even liked girls but apparently my bestfriend does.. hah she's knows more about me then I do.
I go to sleep with so many thoughts figuring out what I should do.
-8am the next day-
I wake up and I hear lily get into her car so I walk downstairs.
Huh.. oh there's a note "good morning beautiful. I've gone out shopping for a few hours, please make the right choice. Love always lily xx"
Right that's it, I grab my car keys and I get in my car, luckily I have a rather good memory of the roads.. okay here I am.. I'm at Demi's house I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say but I'm doing it and I'm doing it now.
-knock knock- I wait and I wait until I hear foot steps but I hear nothing, as I go to walk away the door opens and it's Demi.
"Oh umm hi demi" I cant even look at her. "Umm may..may I come in, I need to Uhh talk to you"
Without a word she invites me in.

Demi's POV
I was deep in thought until I hear a knock at my door, wondering who it could be I open it to find Emily.. feeling all emotion possible I give her the hand gesture to come inside. She stands inside the door, she looks scared.. nervous. No words come out of her mouth so I decide to speak first.
"What's wrong Emily, what are you doing here?" I say calmly but in a harsh tone. I was still annoyed that she ran away from me.. I don't even know what I've done so wrong. Tears start to flood her eyes as her mouth opens, I grab her hand softly and she looks down at it.
Emily: "I don't know what I'm doing here, if I was interrupting something, I can le.."
"No! Please don't" I interrupt her.
Emily: Demi I'm sorry for the way I behaved and have been behaving.. the truth is I really do like you and.. I.. I she starts stuttering, I tighten my grip on her hang and whisper "it's okay, I promise" she gives a smile.
"Look Demi I didn't even know that I liked girls in that way but when I look at you I feel like my world is okay, you have so much power over me and you don't even realise it. When you touch me it feels like a billion flares going through my body and when I think about you.. I just can't stop smiling, you make me so happy Demi Lovato, you could almost say that I'm in love with you, that's why it hurt me when you ran away, because I've never been in that situation before.. it was humiliating.

Emily's POV:
I just poured my whole heart out, and now the anxiety hits.. what is she going to say? Does she like me back? Did I go to far? Just speak god damn it, say something.. anything. My thoughts are running rampant.

Written in January 2021

For the readers:
Hello there readers! I hope some of you are still around! I'm now back! This chapter may be crappy but I'm just getting the hang of it again. I hope you all stick around, updates will be more frequent!
Much love beautiful humans

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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