Chapter Ten

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Emily's POV

Lily said we had to make a detour.. great where is she taking me now? We pull into a driveway and oh my this house was just as big as mine! "Umm lily where are we?" She winks at me.
"You'll see babe, you'll see" we walk up to the door and I can hear footsteps walking towards us, I see the door handle turn.. no it wasn't... why would she bring me here. I can feel myself tense up while my face goes red with anger. I did NOT want to be here right now.

Demi's POV

Lily told me Emily was back and that she would bring her here, it wasn't a social visit though, I came up with a new song and I wanted Emily's opinion before it was released onto my album, I guess I just care about what she thinks, and I wanted her to like it. I open the door and she looks pissed off. Oh great she's still mad with me, I thought all this blew over by now.
"Uhh hi Emily, hello lily." This was the most awkward situation I've ever been in..
Emily looks at me, gives me this glare that shattered me into a million pieces and walked off to the car. Lily mouths "I'm so sorry" and I just nod, I can feel tears taking over my eyes now.

Lily's POV
I don't know what has gotten into Emily, usually she would have been fine by now. I don't understand why she's still hating on demi. I run over to her and grab her shoulder.
"Emily this has got to stop, what has gotten into you!?" I raised my voice, I didn't mean to but she reacts to it.
"No lily, you have no right to speak to me like that you wouldn't understand, now you can either come with me back home or you can find your own way because I'm done." I shrug at Demi and give her a small wave before getting in the car. Emily hasn't spoken a word to me since, I've never seen her this Angry.
We finally get home and she walks very quickly upstairs, I stupidly follow only knowing that she's going to yell at me or something.
I quietly open her door and she's sitting at the end of her bed crying so heavily.
"Oh my god Emily, seriously what's wrong?"
"You wouldn't understand lily so don't worry about it." She looked broken.
"No please Emily, just tell me, all this "don't worry" needs to stop because I wouldn't ask if I wasn't worried."
Emily looks at me, her face filled with tears, she opens her mouth, "Lily... I love Demi, like love, love her.. and you already know that, but I can't she's a celebrity and I'm just a regular girl I don't want to be tied up in all that crap."

Emilys POV
I'm so glad I got that off my chest, I couldn't keep it in much longer.
"Then why are you always so angry with her if you love her" lily broke the silence.
"Because I feel like it's better to act angry with her rather then show her how I really feel because what I feel can never happen she's a celebrity for crying out loud and I have to work with her."
"Emily, maybe you should tell her how you feel. Doing this and acting all angry with her is only going to hurt the both of you. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but the ball is in your court now, I'm sure you'll decide to do the right thing. Goodnight babe"

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